Chapter thirty-eight

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Laura and I spoke about the situation she was no longer afraid and zabini would leave us alone from now on.

A few months later.......

It was the day before we left for Christmas Ginny came over to us and wished us merry Christmas. Laura gave her presents from us to the weasleys and we scurried off to pack. We had to spend Christmas at the manor as the dark lord wanted us at the meetings but it gave us a few days to visit Fred and George.

After packing our trunks we laid on the bed hating the thought of returning home. We always had to be on our best behaviour so we didn't end up in the cellar but most of the time we didn't do anything wrong. I pulled her body on top of mine hugging her close, her warm breath against my face.

"You don't want to go back either do you" she asked.

"No but I don't fancy staying here either I see Dumbledore everywhere" I answered.

"Me too I still can't bring myself to walk to the astronomy tower" Laura replied.

"We should go to sleep" I said kissing her forehead.

Laura went back onto her side of the bed our cold legs wrapping around each other. Managing to sleep all night I woke shivering Laura had stolen all of the duvet over night and was wrapped up like a sausage roll. I grabbed some back accidentally waking her up which is never a good idea, she glared at me and handed me a corner of the duvet with an innocent smile.

"I'm going to need more than that" I said tugging it.

She ended up coming unwrapped rolling along with the duvet into me. We laid staring at each other for a while admiring every detail of her. I dragged her out of bed after a while and we got changed into our jeans and jumpers so we were warm for the journey home. I even gave her my Slytherin scarf and gloves as it was snowing and she didn't have one. I gave her one of my spare coats as we left hers at the manor it drowned her a bit but she didn't mind.

"Can we build a snowman before we go" she asked.

"Yeah let's go now" I grinned.

We ran to the lake occasionally stopping to throw snow balls at her. We made sure the snowman was the biggest one anyone had ever made and in our expert opinion it was. By the time we had finished it was time to leave for the train we were a little late and all the compartments were full. I walked into one with some first years they all gasped and huddled together. We would have sat with them they didn't have to leave but being with death eaters wasn't their scene. They ended up running out all holding hands it was a little bit funny and we couldn't help laughing.

The journey was once again long and boring we both got off the train I grabbed the bags and Laura went with Ginny to see the twins. When she came back she seemed fairly happy under the circumstances of not being able to go to theirs for Christmas. She was holding a bag of presents addressed to the two of us when I looked down at it she grinned widely.

When we arrived home mother and father were in the kitchen with bellatrix we could hear them laughing. We took our things up stairs before announcing our arrival home. I felt uneasy walking into the room. I heard them laughing about the cellar but I they stopped the conversation immediately once seeing us. I grabbed Laura a pan to start making dinner and Laura awkwardly got the ingredients from the fridge. We began making the pancake mix father glaring at us.

"How was school" Bella asked.

"Oh yes it's wonderful" I said sarcastically.

"What happened" mother questioned annoyed at my tone.

"Everyone calls us murderers and we clearly can't control our tempers" i snapped.

"What did you two do" Lucius sneered.

"We taught zabini a lesson" I explained.

"He walked away with a black eye and broken nose but he's fine" Laura added.

Bellatrix laughed congratulating us much to mother's dismay.

"That is not funny Bella" narcissa scoffed.

"Oh lighten up cissy" bellatrix said walking over to us inspecting what we were making.

"Would you like some" Laura asked.

"What are they" Bella responded.

"Pancakes" I laughed.

"Go on then these people don't feed you here" Bella smirked.

We served Bella some first and then went on to making ours. We pushed our way to the table sitting down with our food.

"Don't offer us any then" Lucius sneered.

" you didn't offer us anything when you locked us in the cellar for 8days" I grunted.

"Again Lucius" Bella asked in shock.

"Yes they disrespected me in my own house" he snapped.

Bella awkwardly ate her pancakes trying not to laugh at his angry glare. Although Bella did bad things she was actually a nice enough person well to her family and Laura she was.

After dinner we went out to the swing for some air the tension in the house Suffocated us. We swung in the cold December night the snow numbing our bodies. We stayed out until we couldn't stay out in the snow for any longer. Back at home we prepared for the next day as it was Christmas Eve we had already bought presents in hogsmeade.

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