Chapter seven

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I expected the journey to be boring but with Fred and George there wasn't a dull moment they were always saying or doing something funny. Fred bought me some sweets as I didn't have any money in this reality. Fred and George had also given me money to buy the dress for the ball.

We were about 20minutes from the station and I wanted to see Draco before I left. Searching every compartment I finally found him he was sat with Blaise and goyle.

"Malfoy" I called

Draco walked over to me shutting the door behind him so the others didn't listen in.

"I wanted to say by before I left" I told him

"Me too here's my address in case you want to send me a letter, you'll understand more when you open the present" Draco said.

I hugged him and said goodbye. I went back to my compartment To find Fred and George hanging upside down like bats.

"Don't hurt yourselves" I laughed as their faces turned red.

Quickly dropping to the floor in a heap when the train stopped they stood up rubbing their heads.

"Come on" I said shaking my head.

Fred carried my trunk for me whilst George was busy putting me in a headlock for no reason whatsoever.

"Leave the poor girl alone" molly shouted.

Releasing me from under his arm I punched his shoulder telling him he's an idiot. When we had got everybody we left to go to their house, Fred and George took me to my room I was sharing with Hermione and Ginny. I had never met Ginny before as she was usually busy studying, we went down stairs George and Fred started annoying molly in the kitchen I found Ginny and Hermione.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Do you want to watch a movie with us" Ginny offered.

"Yeah please" i beamed.

We watched a movie whilst molly cooked dinner for us all.

"Laura" George whispered

"Whats Up" I asked

"Come with us" Fred whispered in my other ear.

I followed them outside Fred ran into the middle of the garden and lit a firework it shot into the sky bursting with colour. The loud bang made molly run out after us shouting at us to come back in.

"I told you no more fireworks you three have been in enough trouble over them at school" molly shouted.

"I know we still have the scars" I said looking up at George who was trying not to laugh.

"Scars? What scars" molly asked.

"I thought they would have told you" I replied.

"We didn't want to worry you" George added.

"What scars are you talking about" molly asked her voice growing louder.

"Umbridge punished us with quills that cut words into your skin" Fred admitted.

"I must follow rules" I said running my finger along the half faded words.

"Come on in you three dinners ready we can discuss it then" she said taking us in.

We all sat down to dinner molly asking us more questions about what happened.

"Harry got one too" George said holding Harry's hand up.

I couldn't help but laugh as he showed everyone our hands.

After a while the conversation changed when Ginny told Arthur about all the pranks the twins and I had pulled. The three of us looked at one another hoping they would laugh Arthur did but molly didn't so much.

"You three need to leave your teachers alone, but well done for umbridge" she said with a smile.

After dinner Fred and George took me to the roof the snow fell gently quieting the noise of the world. George put a blanket around me and Fred gave me a bag of sweets that he hadn't tampered with.

"What did Draco give you yesterday" George asked.

"I haven't opened it yet he told me to open it tonight" I replied.

"Ooo I wonder what it is" Fred teased trying to make me want to open it.

"Go get it for me, it's in my trunk" I laughed giving in.

Fred came back quickly handing me the present I unwrapped it and opened the box. A locket laid neatly in the velvet box.

"Open it up" George begged.

When I opened it there was a picture of Draco and I playing snap in our pyjamas I had no idea he had taken a photo that day. On the other side of the locket there was some writing saying
'You be my star I'll be your sky'.

"We'll leave you to read the letter" Fred said taking George down stairs.

Dear Laura,

I'm writing this because I like you and I don't know if you like me. My favourite time is when I'm with you the moment I see you smile my whole body tingles, the way you gave me a chance even if it meant going against your friends. I never expected to like you I never expected to write a letter like this either but here we are. I want you to write back to me. Tell me you'll be mine. Tell me you'll be the star and I can be your sky. If you don't that's okay I just want to thank you for everything you do. You taught me a lot.


Reading the words made me smile I had never known he liked me until yesterday and all this time I had hid that I liked him too.

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