Chapter forty-four

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Waking up covered in sweat trying to catch my breath again.

"Laura what's wrong" George said sitting up.

"It's all my fault" I cried.

"What do you Mean" George asked.

"He died saving me i should have been the one who died not Freddie." I sobbed into his arms.

"No don't say that Fred would habe done anything to protect us he did it because he didn't want it to be you" George cried.

"What was your nightmare about" George asked.

"Flash backs mainly, the day I got this stupid mark, the day Dumbledore died, when I had to make my family forget me, and Fred's last words" I told him.

"Come here" George said taking me down stairs. We laid on the sofa and watched Fred's favourite movie tears dripping down as we heard his laugh echoing around the room on all his favourite parts.

We both laid talking about him both crying at our memories.

"George,Laura" molly said confused opening the curtains.

"Fred wouldn't want you to cry" she smiled passing us tissues.

"I know I just can't imagine life with out him" I cried.

"He's still with us in our hearts" Arthur said in the door way.

Molly and Arthur knelt down next to us talking about how Fred would want us to laugh for him and have fun. We decided to get up and go for a walk, we went to the park and the field with all the flowers but it didn't help we felt worse. The pain was too much.
George went into the shop and bought fire whiskey and some other alcoholic drinks we had never heard of before. We sat under a tree drinking for the rest of the day until we could barely see straight our pain was numbed as much as it could be and we stumbled our way back to the house.

"Dinners ready" molly announced as we got through the door.

"Are they......" Ginny began.

"Drunk" Ron finished her sentence, "yes, yes they are" he said in disappointment.

"Sit down you two" molly said unimpressed at our wreck less actions.

"What were you thinking" she asked she was mad but she didn't want to shout.

"It feels amazing" I answered.

"We numbed the pain" George added.

"That isn't the right way" Arthur stated.

"His last words are on a loop I just needed them to stop" I replied.

"You two didn't actually tell us what happened to him we want to know" Ron said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked into George's eyes both of us were tearing up thinking about it.

"Ron not yet" Hermione replied reading our faces.

"He's my brother two and we deserve to know" Ron shouted.

"An explosion" I choked out.

"Someone tried to kill me he pushed me out the way sis watch out he screamed taking my place" tears flooded out my eyes as I buried my head in to George he cried into me both of us a blubbering mess.

"Okay that's enough we will talk about it once we've eaten" molly said to Ron.

George and I left the table unable to breath through tears. We sat in the cool spring air taking a moment with out anyone else.

"We were like triplets in some ways" George smiled putting his arm around me.

"Yeah we were" I stuttered through the tears.

"I mean we are" George smiled.

"Yeah I guess our status doesn't change" I smiled back.

"We're idiots aren't we" George laughed.

"Yeah maybe getting drunk wasn't the right thing to do" I replied.

"Nope all I know is we will have a massive hang over" he said pushing his arm into mine.

"We should go back in shouldn't we" I responded.

"Together" he smiled.

"Together" I smiled back but even with that sentence I still waited for Fred to say it with us.

When we went back into the house they all looked at us not wanting to say anything that could upset us. They let us go upstairs and that's what we did looking around the room seeing Fred everywhere. I picked up the nail polish we had used laughing at the thought of his face every time he messed it up.

We both laid on the beanbags slowly starting to fall asleep we were both still drunk and our heads were banging. Waking up the early hours of the next morning George wasn't there I thought he would be back in a minute and I somehow went back to sleep, but even when I woke again a few hours later he wasn't there I searched the house for him but didn't see him. The car was gone too and I knew something wasn't right. I woke molly up explaining and we waited in the kitchen planning our next move.

"Where have you been" molly shouted as George walked through the door a massive smile on his face.

"We went- I went to the tree house" George said his smile dropping at his words. He was so used to saying 'we' that now it just rolled off his tongue.

"Georgie" I said hugging him as he began tearing up.

"It's okay look umm we going to have some fun and make pancakes because Fred wouldn't want us to be upset any more" I smiled getting the ingredients out.

"Yeah your right" he smiled washing his hands to help.

We made pancakes for everyone and set the table all we could do was move forward now it's what Fred would have wanted.

So for the next few days we had fun and no longer felt like crying there was times we would get upset but we could control it now.

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