Chapter forty-three

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All we could do is wait. My mind was full of everything. Fred. Harry. The dark lord. I couldn't think straight. It must have been half an hour we waited when we saw it. The dark lord and some death eaters mother and Bella included. Hagrid had roped around him and he was carrying someone. We knew it was Harry.

I ran to the hall to get Hermione and Ron my heart pounding Ginny ran out to see what was happening when the dark lord announced it.

"Harry Potter is dead" he grinned.

All the death eaters cheered and laughed. We stood by the castle doors looking around at the broken castle.

The dark lord wanted people to join him or they would be killed. Refusing to go we both stood there Draco took my hand in his in the awkward silence.

"Draco" father called making us both look at each other still not going.

"Draco, Laura" narcissa said softly.

"Draco" father shouted getting angrier.

"Draco, Laura come" narcissa repeated as everyone's eyes landed on us.

Draco walked forward having to obey his parents I stood still not wanting to go.

"Laura" Draco whispered with tears in his eyes.

"Go" George whispered knowing it was what I had to do.

I walked over to the dark lord with Draco he awkwardly hugged us making my stomach turn. Narcissa took our hands and steered us away from Lucius. Neville gave a speech about Harry my mind was in a different place and I barely listened.

"It's not over" Neville yelled pulling out a sword.

Harry fell to the floor and with out even thinking Draco ran over to potter throwing him his wand. Harry cast a spell on The dark lord making him angry. Narcissa and I looked at each other in shock over Draco's actions death eaters charged after Harry and Draco returned to us. Narcissa dragged us away from the scene taking us back to the manor where Draco and I went straight upstairs. We headed to the bathroom and began wiping the dirt off our faces Draco cleaned my cuts and put a plaster on my cheek. We both didn't say anything replaying the events of that night over and over again.

"I have to go back" I stated.

"I'll come but we have to sneak out we won't be allowed other wise" Draco warned.

Heading down stairs we could see a group of death eaters talking to Draco's parents we snuck out the back door and apparated back to Hogwarts. The fight was far from over as Bellatrix fought molly. George hugged me the life had been sucked out of him as expected when your twin dies.

"It's going to be okay" I whispered it was all a lie nothing would be okay that wasn't me being pessimistic we just had to be honest with ourselves.

Draco and I went up to Dumbledores office we felt as if we needed to be there. We both looked around wishing we could have gone back to the way it was.
We spent about ten minutes in there not really knowing why. When we walked back down to the courtyard Neville had the sword he cut the dark lords snake in half shocking us all. We ran outside after hearing loud crashes Harry was there we watched hiding behind a wall so we were unseen. Harry took control over Voldemort he was becoming weaker with out his last Horcrux before we knew it he crumbled into nothing leaving Harry breathless and relieved.

Dropping to the floor in pain as the mark burned us the itching was unbearable if felt as if I was being stabbed. Draco grasped his arm shrieking in pain both collapsed on the floor in pain. The dark lord was dead and this was like a message from the grave he was angry at himself and us. The pain started to stop and we could breath again. My body was stone Cold I couldn't move, Draco pulled me up and leant me into his body steadying me. After a few minutes we returned back to George who was still laying beside Fred.

"I'll go get some drinks" Draco said leaving us alone.

I hugged him tears running down my face once again. I couldn't help but blame myself for his death he died saving me.

"Come home with us soon" George asked.

"I need to talk to Draco" I replied. I needed to be there for both of them but now I had to chose between them.

"Draco what should I do" I asked.

"It's truly up to you" he responded.

"How can I chose" I complained.

"Why don't you stay with him tonight and then come back to me in a few days" Draco replied.

"You sure" I asked.

"He needs you and you need him I'll stay in my room and owl you every day it wont be long with out eachother" he smiled.

"Okay, I need to get my things then" I told him.

"Stay here and I'll bring your things" Draco said kissing me before leaving.

I sat with George and explained the plan my heart felt like it was in millions of pieces. When Draco arrived back we were all ready to leave I kissed Draco hard not wanting to let him go I loved him so much and didn't want to leave him.

"I love you" i smiled before going back with the weasleys.

"I love you too" he replied.

When we got back to the house George sat in the kitchen not really talking to anyone.

"Come on" I whispered helping him to his feet. I took him up to the bathroom and began washing all the dirt off his face. I laid out his pyjamas and waited for him to get dressed. Once he was done he laid on his bed I pulled his duvet over him and sat down on Fred's bed. The blanket Fred had wrapped me in the day we slept in the snow laid on his bed still smelling like him. George was fast asleep but I couldn't I went down to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Oh I didn't see you there" Ginny smiled looking up from the table.

"How are you" I asked her.

"I'll be okay, how are you" she replied.

"I'm okay" I smiled trying to hide the truth.

"I should probably get back to George" I smiled.

"Goodnight" Ginny answered.


When I got back to George he was still sleeping I laid on Fred's bed and tried to go to sleep. My eyes began closing and I drifted off.

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