Chapter three

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Lessons came to an end Zabini told me I could go with them as I didn't know my way around yet. We set off to an empty corridor Blaise and Goyle making fun of everyone who walked past.

"There she is" Fred shouted down the corridor.

"Are you coming" George added.

"Do you mind" I asked Draco.

"Why would I" he scoffed.

I ran down the corridor rolling my eyes at Draco's response and joined George and Fred.

"We want to pull a prank on filch" George exclaimed full of excitement.

"Do you care to join us" Fred beamed.

"Of course what's the plan" I replied excitedly.

"We're going to lure him out of his office and set a stink bomb off" They both grinned

"Lead the way" I said smiling.

Filchs cat was in laying by the door Fred got a remote control mouse luring him out of the office. Everywhere the cat goes so does filch, George pulled me into the door way of the office throwing in the stink bomb and running into the cupboard quickly Fred following close behind.

"Hold your nose" they warned me.

I squeezed my nose as a brown cloud of smoke poured out of the office. The loud bang made filch come running back being hit in the face by the stench.

"Who did that" filch screamed causing other teachers to appear.

We were watching through the crack in the door trying not to laugh.

"Do you trust us" George smiled

"Yeah" I said nervously.

"We are going to run as fast as we can all together just don't get caught" Fred whispered.

On the found of three we burst out the cupboard running for our lives the teachers shouting after us. We ran outside and sat by the tree pretending we had been there for ages so they didn't suspect anything. They all disappeared leaving us in heap laughing.

"You should use your puking pastels on someone" I suggested.

"Any ideas who" George asked.

"Umbridge is a bitch dissolve one in her tea" I replied.

"Do you want to do the honours" George said giving me the bag.

"I'll just mess it up" I admitted.

"I'll do it with you whilst George distracts her" Fred announced.

"Why not" I said giving in.

So once again we set off to umbridges office, George got some fireworks out and began messing around with them making unbridge run out of her office.

Fred and I snuck in crushing the pastel into her tea we gave it a little stir and went back to George, who was still arguing with her about the fireworks.

Sitting around the corner from her office we waited for her to take a bit of her drink. Before we new it she was running down the corridor heading for the toilets. Fred and George high fived me laughing as we watched her go into the toilet.

We walked back to the great hall for dinner I said goodbye and walked over to the slytherin table. I was greeted by pansy I started to zone out when she was talking about who had annoyed her today.

"How are you today" Dumbledore stopped on his way down the front of the hall.

"Good thank you professor" I replied.

"Very well, I shall leave you alone" he smiled carrying on his way.

Pansy started talking to Draco who I didn't realise was sitting two seats away from me. After dinner George and Fred came running over to me.

"We need to go" they said pointing to umbridge and filch who was complaining to Dumbledore and glancing over at the three of us.

"Where are we supposed to go" I asked

"Anywhere, they will punish us if they find us tonight but leave it until tomorrow they can't tell you off" Fred said dragging me out of the hall.

We could see Dumbledore standing up and walking towards us. The three of us began to run we hid behind hagrids hut laughing as George almost tumbled down the steps.

"Do you want a sweet" Fred offered pulling out a hand full.

"What will they do to me" I laughed.

"These are completely safe" George replied.

I took one and made them have one as well we began eating them when I noticed their tongues, teeth and lips turning blue.

"You idiots" i scoffed taking a look at my blue mouth in my pocket mirror.

"It could have been worse" Fred started.

"It could have been puking pastels" George added.

"That's true" I laughed.

We had sat outside for a while now escaping umbridge and filch so we snuck back into the castle George and Fred walked me back to the Slytherin common room.

"Goodnight" they whispered before running off together.

When i entered the common room everyone was in there dorms only Draco was left sitting at the table doing his homework. I sat down opposite him pulling mine out.

"I can help you if you want" Draco said looking at my blank expression as I read the questions.

"Please" I said moving next to him.

He gave me the answers and explained how you do the charms. Once we had finished it was only 11pm and neither of us were tired Draco pulled a pack of cards out and we sat there playing snap.

"Your nothing like I thought you would be" I announced looking at his soft face.

"Oh really" he smirked.

"I mean you have a terrible attitude and can't your a piece of work but you're only like that when your around friends." I continued.

"What am I like when I'm not with friends then" he asked.

"Your nice" I said packing away the cards and going up to bed.

Leaving him in the silence to think.

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