Chapter nine

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We all got into the hammock looking at the sky filled with stars. George put a blanket over me as i hurried myself between them going to sleep. I loved them so much I had always wanted brothers but my parents didn't want anymore children.

"Goodnight sis" Fred smiled.

"Goodnight" I replied my voice muffled into George's chest.

I woke up a few hours later Fred and George were fast asleep the sky was still dark I looked at Fred's watch it was 3am I ended up falling asleep again and didn't wake up until George tickled me.

He tickled my stomach and neck until I couldn't breath at the first chance I got I began tickling him I had no idea he was so ticklish. He was so bad he fell out of the hammock landing in a heap on the floor.

"Good one laura" Fred laughed high-fiving me.

I leant over to help him up he grabbed my arm pulling me down with him. The cold air hitting me as I left the warm blankets behind.

"Fred, George, Laura! Where are you?" Molly shouted.

We ran down stairs to avoid getting told off making some excuse about needing air. We all ate breakfast we were the only ones in our pyjamas as we didn't have time to get changed. After breakfast we ran upstairs being rushed by molly she told us to get dressed and bring our trunks down quickly. We did as we were told and were somehow ready on time.

At the station we all said goodbye and got on the train Fred and George pushing me into the walls as we found a compartment. We had been there for a while when Malfoy came to the door.

"Laura can I talk to you" Draco asked.

"Sure" I replied closing the door behind me.

"Did you mean what you wrote in the letter." Draco questioned.

"Yeah of course I did" I said shocked he would even ask.

"The locket looks good" Draco smiled.

"Thanks I told you I would never take it off." I replied.

"I'll let you get back to the others" Draco said

"Can we talk tonight in the common room" I asked.

"Of course" Draco answered walking back down the train.

I watched as he went his perfect walk, his perfect body, his perfect everything, I loved it all.

Going back into the compartment I sat down next to George both of them giggling to themselves.

"What is is this time" I asked.

"Nothing" they replied.

"What ever" I said rolling my eyes.

The rest of the journey we played games and wrote in the book of pranks ticking off ones we had done and wanted to do. When we reached Hogwarts we grabbed our trunks and headed for our common rooms. I put my trunk in my dorm and sat talking to zabini in the common room. He wanted to ask me about my Christmas and the dance I didn't mention anything about Draco  I didn't know if Draco wanted people to know. After a while I went to the great hall for dinner once again being out into a head lock by George as Fred messed up my hair. Before I could say anything they had already ran away. I went over to the Slytherin table Draco came and joined me after a few minutes asking what I did over the break.

Pansy sat on the other side of Draco being all flirty it didn't really bother me because I could clearly see she didn't have a locket from Draco on.

"Pansy can't you see we are trying to talk" draconian spat pushing her off.

"What ever Draco" Pansy barked leaving in a mood.

We both laughed as a first year walked into her for a minute we were a bit worried about what she would do with the first year as she was already in a mood. Luckily she left the poor kid alone and went back to the common room.

Everyone was leaving the great hall so we finished our dinner and got up to leave.

"Goodnight Laura" the twins shouted from the other side of the corridor.

"Night boys" I replied  

Me and Draco entered the empty common room everyone was already in their dorms. I sat down on the sofa unsure how close to Draco I should sit, Draco soon sorted that out by sitting so close to me his arm was rubbing against mine.

"So what am I going to do with you" Draco asked.

"I don't know what are you going to do" I answered

"I guess that depends" Draco laughed

"On what" i said nervously.

"Can you handle all of this" Draco smirked pointing at himself.

"There's only one way to find out" I smiled

Draco put his hand on my neck and the other on my face pulling me closer to him and laying his soft perfect lips on mine.

"Is that what you meant" he smirked.

"I don't know you better try again" I replied pulling him in for another kiss.

"I think you can handle it" he laughed.

"What happens now" I asked

"I guess we make it official" Draco said taking my hand into his.

"I'm guessing you won't want me to tell anyone" I said

"What why would you say that" Draco asked astonished I would say that.

"I don't know I don't want to embarrass you" I replied awkwardly.

"If you wanted me to I would shout it from the roof tops or we can let people find out themselves buy I don't care who knows as long as I have you" Draco announced.

"You sure" I smiled.

"Of course" he replied.

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