Chapter twenty-three

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Not being able to tell Dumbledore why I did it what I did was fine but we had to tell snape and he would help us come up with an excuse he already knows we're death eaters.

I knocked on the door and hid back behind Draco.

"What" snape sneered.

"Dumbledore sent us for our punishment" Draco sulked.

"I know" snape replied opening the door for us.

"Then why did you ask what" I asked.

Snape gave me the 'say one more word and I'll get mad' look and I soon shut up.

"He also said you wouldn't tell him what happened but you will tell me" snape announced.

"I punched zabini" I told him trying not to laugh it was quite funny when you look back on it.

"A lot" Draco added with a cheeky smirk making us both burst out laughing.

"This is not a laughing matter you two" snape complained

"Sorry professor" we said controlling ourselves.

"Why did you punch him" snape asked.

"He called us death eaters they've been making jokes about it for the past two days I wasn't taking it" I explained.

"That doesn't give you the right to fight does it Laura" snape spat.

"No sir but he did deserve it" I added.

"And you why are you here" snape asked.

"We walked out and slughorn got mad" Draco added.

"You two don't have time to be getting in trouble you have a task to start on do you know how serious this is" snape yelled.

"Yes professor" we sighed.

"I was with your mother today" snake told Draco.

"Mother why" Draco asked.

"She made me swear to protect you and Laura so you two better not get yourselves into any more trouble" snape said before dismissing us with out a punishment.

Walking out of the office the door slamming behind us we looked at one another in disbelief.

"Why would my mother get snape to protect us" Draco asked.

"I have no idea, you I understand but me" I questioned.

We went to the lake to clear our heads, on the way over there I saw Fred and George messing around they were playing with fireworks. Memories rushed back as I remembered the day we stole the car, them tickling me until I couldn't breathe, sleeping in the hammock, pulling pranks, and getting told off for messing around. I wanted to turn back the clocks going back to those days but I know I couldn't help what happened to us.

"Laura you alright" Draco asked.

"I wish I could tell them maybe they would like me again" I said as we sat watching them through the trees.

"If they really love you they will come back it might just take time" Draco replied.

"Your probably right" I said trying to force a smile.

"No probably about it I'm always right" Draco boasted smirking the whole time.

"Is it true" a voice shouted behind us.

We both looked around to see the golden trio storming towards us.

"Is what true" I asked.

"We told Fred and George What Blaise said in class and they said it was true so is it" Harry scowled.

"Draco" I whispered not knowing what to do.

"It's none of your business" Draco sneered trying to figure out what to do.

"So it is" Hermione snapped.

"Shut up you filthy Mudblood" Draco shouted.

"Your going to regret calling her that" Ron said raising his wand.

We both pulled ours out preparing three against one.
Ron had the words on his tongue but before he could cast a spell snape had already disarmed him and was dragging us away.

"How did you know we were there" Draco asked.

"Just stay out of trouble" snape hissed.

"Laura this way" Draco snapped.

"I'm not a dog you can't just pull me where ever you want to go Draco" I spat.

Draco grabbed my arm digging his fingers into my skin.

"Ouch Draco that hurts" I cried.

I was shouting at him to let me go everyone looking at us. Fred and George came running over helping me free him.

"Oh here they come your hero's" Draco shouted.

"Laura you okay" Fred asked.

"Why would you care you haven't spoken to her in months" draco ranted.

I get he has a lot going on but so do I and I would Never hurt him or be this unkind.

"Laura come with us if you want" George said trying to free me from the situation.

"You know what don't bother leaving  I'll go, I'll fucking go! Have a nice life Laura" Draco exploded.

"Draco your being ridiculous come back here" I sobbed as he stormed off.

Fred put his arms around me letting me cry into him I was so upset over Draco I didn't even realise that George and Fred were there in some ways.

They took me over to a bench where we sat one of them either side of me hugging me close.

"Laura we're so sorry we shouldn't have pushed you out we spoke to mum and she said how nasty we had been and that's when we realised." George apologised.

"We didn't listen when you said you didn't have a choice instead of leaving we should have helped" Fred added.

"It's okay I wasn't friends with me either for a while I blamed myself everyday" i replied

"Do you forgive us" they said with puppy dog eyes and a small smile.

"Of course your family" I smiled hugging them again. I don't usually give in when someone's hurt me but they were actually sorry and I needed them.

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