Chapter twenty-four

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Fred and George were back I should've felt happy but with out Draco by my side I felt like a part of me was missing. Why did he have to leave and say all that, I have bruises on my wrist from where he grabbed my arm it's been two days and he hadn't been in class or came to the common room.

Fred and George met me outside of the common room that morning we walked to the great hall for breakfast they sat with me so I wasn't alone. Snape wondered over to me scowling as usual.

"Do you have a minute" he asked.

"Sure" I answered following him out of the great hall.

"Does this belong to you" he said opening the door to his office.

I walked in to see Draco in the corner.

"You ass I was worried sick about you" i shouted pushing him hitting his chest.

"Laura" snape roared.

"What" I spat

"Stop attacking him you two have a task to complete" snape argued.

"Fine" I breathed trying to calm down.

"Now" he shouted practically kicking us out the door.

"How could you do that to me I thought you loved me" I shouted.

"I do love you and I was stupid I just got so mad and when you called me out for treating you badly I just snapped" Draco explained.

"If you loved me then why would you leave me" I asked trying not to cry.

"I laid in bed crying all night! I didn't have you by my side and it hurt so bad. I can't do this by myself I can't get through it with out you" I cried.

"I'm sorry I felt the same but how could I come back when you hated me. You changed me for the better and when I hurt you I- I will never forgive myself" Draco said getting choked up.

"Please come back to the common room tonight" I begged.

"Are you sure you want me" he asked.

"I'm sure, I always followed our rules never give up on each other and don't hurt one another, you gave me this locket remember what you asked" I commented.

"You be my star I'll be your sky...... and with out each other it just doesn't work" Draco said feeling guilty for leaving.

"Now let's go find the cabinet" I said walking into the room of requirement.

After searching for an hour or two we finally found it covered over with a curtain. Draco pulled it off spraying dust everywhere, it was smaller than i expected. When we opened it the whole inside had been burnt like something had exploded the whole inside was ruined.

"How are we supposed to fix that" I asked shocked.

"I have no idea but we should go to the restricted section and search for spells." Draco said staring at the damage.

"Thanks for coming back" I said with out knowing I had said it, it kind of just came out.

Draco smiled and took my hand in his kissing me softly. I had missed his smell, touch, face, him in general I pulled him closer to me his hands on my waist as I kissed him.

"I love you" I smiled.

" I love you too princess" Draco replied putting his hand on my neck.

That night we snuck out of the common room and went to the restricted section searching for what ever repairing spells we could find.

Shoving three big books into Laura's bag we snuck out of the library trying to get back as quick as we could. We heard footsteps but couldn't tell where they were coming from we ran in to the classroom Draco pinning me up against the wall looking out to see if anyone was coming. I couldn't help but smile my stomach was doing flips as he stood in front of me. He looked into my eyes trying not to get distracted form being on look out, we saw filch walk past draco merged in to me trying not to be seen his body rubbing against mine I could feel his heart beating fast as our two bodies collided. Taking my hand we ran down the stairs praying they didn't move and went back to the common room.

"We shout to to bed it's almost 3am" Draco said moving my hair from my face.

"I guess we should" I smiled holding him tight.

"Goodnight princess" Draco smiled down at me.

"Goodnight" I said walking up the stairs.

I crept into bed trying not to wake the others. I went to grab mini Malfoy when I realised he wasn't there I hadn't moved him he just sat on the bed all day everyday. After searching everywhere I sat on the bed thinking where it could be, too others it might have been a stupid bear but to me it was everything it was almost like a part of Draco I could keep for ever. I searched pansy and Daphne's stuff and still couldn't find him I decided to wait until morning to get Draco to help me look.

So that's what I did I waited until he appeared in the common room and I told him that I couldn't find mini Malfoy and how I looked everywhere. Draco helped me search when everyone went to class we went through pansy and Daphne's things again but still nothing. Draco sat on the bed thinking when he practically ran down the stairs heading to his dorm I followed close behind. Draco threw zabini's things across the room searching through everything when the bear still wasn't there Draco did the same thing to Goyle's and that's when we found him stuffed in a bag.

"They really were mad when I broke his nose" I said grabbing mini Malfoy. Draco sprayed him with more cologne and handed him to me I never wanted to put him down again.

Draco stormed down the stairs heading out of the common room I knew this wasn't going to be good.

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