Chapter forty

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The next morning Draco woke me up ranting to himself. I turned around to see what he was doing, eyebrows knitted together throwing clothes across the room in anger.

"What's up with you" I asked.

"I can't find my jumper" he complained.

"Your mad about that, you woke me up over a jumper" I moaned.

"I didn't mean to wake you but yes" he continued almost hitting me with his clothes.

"What does it look like" I said rolling out of bed.

"Green with a black line on the chest" he replied.

"This one" I asked picking a jumper up of the back of the chair.

"Yes" he smirked embarrassed about being so dramatic.

I couldn't help but laugh at him, he pulled the jumper over his head and made the bed whilst I got changed. Walking into the kitchen we heard noises coming from the cellar I walked looked at Draco who began walking down there. We peered into the dim lit room the door was locked shut.

"Who's there" he asked.

Luna peered around the corner nervously walking up to the us.

"Luna what are you doing in here" I asked.

"They got angry at my dad death eaters came for me they took me from him" Luna explained.

"Did they hurt you" Draco asked.

"No but thank you for asking" Luna smiled.

"I'll get you some food" Draco replied leaving the two of us.

"We'll find a way to get you out of here" I whispered to her.

Draco arrived back with a croissant he couldn't bring much in case someone noticed. We both returned to the kitchen when we heard Bellatrix call for us. Both of us trying to figure out a way to set the poor girl free we knew how bad it was down there and didn't wish it on anyone.

The next week past we snuck down to see Luna everyday, the wand maker Ollivander made an appearance shortly after. We explained to Luna we had to go back to Hogwarts but we would keep trying.

Arriving back at Hogwarts memories flooding through my mind of Dumbledore I still saw him in every corridor. Draco walked me to our room where we unpacked our trunks I sat on the bed playing with my ring Draco noticed and sat next to me.

"We will get Luna out of there I promise" he whispered knowing full well that was what I was worrying about.

"I hope so We know how bad it is down there" I said frowning at the thought.

We went to the great hall for dinner zabini glaring at us from across the table.

"Stupid death eaters" pansy scoffed sitting next to him.

"Yeah they are" zabini smirked.

"Do you want me to-" Draco ranted angrily before I stopped him.

"Let's take our food to our room" I said trying to avoid another fight.

"We all know why you got that room to yourselves" pansy laughed.

"Why's that then" Draco sneered.

"So you can bang that slut of yours" zabini snarled.

"Your going to regret that" Draco spat grabbing zabini by his tie.

"Say it again I dare you" Draco seethed.

After remaining silent draco let go of him zabini started to laugh and called me a slut again even though I had never slept with anyone.

Draco's temper got the better of him he punched him so hard zabini fell to the floor. Kicking him as hard as he could I tried to drag Draco off before he got in trouble in the heat of the moment Draco pushed me making me fall backwards. Picking zabini up strangling him with his tie, tears running down my cheeks as my own boyfriend had pushed me over.

I walked back to our room and got ready for bed tears still streaming down my face. I climbed into bed sobbing in to mini Malfoy.


When I finished with zabini making sure he couldn't move I realised what I had done to Laura I scanned the room for her but she had already gone. A lump grew in my throat guilt filled my stomach I ran to our room I opened the door to see all the lights off I could just make out her figure in the bed. I pulled my clothes off and got dressed.

"Laura talk to me...... I'm sorry" I apologised.

But still silence. I climbed into bed next to her I put my hand on her arm she flinched and moved away. I removed my hand annoyed at my actions in the great hall. As I laid in the tense silence her sobs making my vision blur with tears.

"Laura look at me please Im begging" I said all chocked up.

She rolled over to face me, a wave of relief flew over me. I wiped her tears away and apologised again.

"I'm so so sorry I just got caught up in the moment I didn't know what I was doing...... it's no excuse I know and I am so sorry I hurt you" I whispered trying not to cry.

"Never do that again your supposed to protect me and be there for me" she cried.

"I know I should never have done that I didn't know I had until it was too late...... please forgive me" I replied.

"Give me another chance please" I begged.

She couldn't talk through the sobs I deserved to feel sick with guilt after what I had done to her.

"Fine" she said as I pulled her into my arms wiping away her tears as she clutched onto mini Malfoy who was soaked in tears.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" she answered through muffled breaths she was too exhausted from crying to talk.

We soon drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

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