Chapter nineteen

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We didn't have long left of summer I wanted to spend it doing everything we wanted. I took Draco down to the Forrest in our Yule ball outfits the sun beamed through the trees shining down on us.

"Let's have some fun" I smiled.

Draco chased me around the trees both of us running as fast as we could we ran for ages until we came to an opening.

"What's down here" I asked.

"It's a field I put a bench and a swing there a few months ago" Draco replied taking me up to it.

The filed was full of butter cups and daisies a tree stood in the middle of the field with a swing big enough for two hanging from its thick branches.

I ran over over to it making room for Draco who joined me. Seeing him smile made me smile I had never understood or believed in love until I met him.

We began swinging getting higher and higher you could see the Malfoy manor over the top of the trees the sun was on our backs and the breeze pushed its way through our hair both of us laughing. The happiest moment of my life was then, Draco was my home and when I didn't have him I felt like part of me was missing.

We stayed out until it got dark, walking back through the Forrest was fun we couldn't see anything we just had each other to guide us back to the manor. It was the first time we had left the house with short sleeves on because we were still on the property we felt safe enough to not care about the mark. Arriving home waiting for his parents to say something to us but when we entered the lights were off and no one was home. We were both relieved but knew we would get in trouble for being out all day and I think we annoyed them enough over the past few days we might as well put ourselves in the cellar.

"Draco you won't fight with them will you" I asked.

"I'll try not too" Draco replied.

"I don't want to go back in to the cellar" I said trying to force a smile.

"We won't" Draco smiled.

We went up stairs and got changed into our pyjamas and ate some more of the cake. When his parents got home they shouted our names to see if we were here.
Draco took me downstairs we needed to appear in order for them to go away. I put some cake in a bag planting it in my pocket I knew we would be spending the night or more locked up. I could feel it and I heard Lucius complaining about me the other night I hadn't even done anything that time.

"We're here" Draco announced us to his parents.

"Where have you been all day" narcissa snapped.

"Just out" Draco said.

"I don't want you out for that long again" narcissa replied.

"No" Draco spat.

"Draco please don't" I whispered.

"Keep out of it" Lucius scoffed.

"I didn't even do anything get your priorities straight and leave me out of it" I sneered not even meaning to it just slipped out.

"My priorities are straight, now watch your tongue" Lucius hissed.

"Oh yes that's right your priorities are straight you kill muggles for a living and torture an innocent 15year old" I scoffed.

Draco looked back at me a small smile on his face he looked impressed I stood up to him.

"Harry Potter is not innocent and muggles certainly aren't" Lucius roared.

"Father she has a point." Draco added.

"I bet your pleased corrupting my son" Lucius yelled pulling me down the stairs by my arm.

"Father get off her" Draco shouted grabbing me.

"Get off me" I screamed holding onto Draco.

Before anyone could say anything else Lucius raised his hand and slapped me across the face. Draco flew at Lucius going to punch him but Lucius grabbed his hand almost making Draco fall. 

"Narcissa take them, BOTH OF THEM" Lucius roared walking out of the room.

Narcissa was scared of him and did what he asked dragging us both kicking and screaming to the cellar.
It was expected. But still pained us.

"Mother please" Draco begged.

"You did it to yourselves" narcissa said slamming the door leaving us in the cold silence.

"I mean we did expect it" I said

"I know but they shouldn't lock us up" Draco relied punching the wall.

"Draco don't do that" I whispered taking his hand and kissing his knuckles.

"Now we're going to starve for days and maybe freeze" Draco complained sliding down the wall.

"We only have to worry about freezing I thought this would happen" I smiled revealing the cake stuffed in my pockets.

"Thank God I have you" Draco smiled.

"How long will they keep us in here" I asked dreading the answer.

"I don't want to scare you but it might be longer than last time every time he locked me up the amount of days would go up" Draco warned me.

"I didn't bring enough cake for that" I replied.

Draco hugged me the cellar was colder than last time.

"This was all my fault wasn't it I should have kept my mouth shut" I said.

"He deserved what he got and I..... I was impressed" Draco smiled adding a small laugh at the end.

Sitting against the wall of the place we hated most alone with our thoughts we just simply sat.

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