Chapter forty-two

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It had been a while since potter and the others escaped we were now back at school but things felt wrong I could feel it. We both could. Something big was coming.

April was coming to an end and snape was getting anxious he was easily irritated and always had a bottle of fire whiskey before leaving his office which should still be Dumbledores if it wasn't for us. Draco and I walked up to the astronomy tower for the first time since his death tears filled my eyes as I saw his face again. I heard his offer to help us clear in my head the guilt eating away at me.

I sat against the railing my feet dangling down Draco by my side copying. Although I had my own ring I still played with his he never seemed to mind.

"There you are" snape interrupted.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"The dark lord declared a war when Harry Potter returns which he will very soon, we all go to war death eaters against Hogwarts" snape declared.

"What team are we on" Draco asked.

"The dark lords" he answered staring at me and Draco with almost a look of sadness.

Once he left I closed my eyes putting my head on Draco's shoulder. The bad news had hit.

"I need to tell the twins" I said running back to our dorm.

I immediately wrote a letter explaining and sent it off if anyone found out I had done that I would be dead. My arm began to tingle Draco having the same feeling pulled his sleeve up. It was moving. This is the sign the dark lord was ready for Harry, he would kill him and take over everywhere.

The next few days passed I warned Ginny about what I had heard she deserved to know as she loved Harry dearly. Woken by someone pounding on the door late at night Draco hog up and opened it.

"Get dressed snape called a meeting in the great hall" zabini revealed. He was worried we all knew this was the start of something terrible.

When we arrived at the great hall we stood in our houses everyone in a scared silence as snape strolled past.

"Many if you are probably wondering why I have summoned you here tonight........ it's fine to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in hogsmeade." Snapes began.

The room filled with whispers I grabbed on to Draco nervously praying it wasn't true and Harry was safe.

"And now it any student or staff tempt to aid mr potter they will be punished" he sneered.

"Anyone who has knowledge of these events and fails to come forward will be treated equally as guilty.......... so if anyone has any knowledge of me potters movements I invite you to step forward"

The whole hall gasped including Draco and i as Harry revealed himself to snape.

"There seems to be a bit of a security problem head master" Harry said as the door opened revealing the wessleys, Remus, Tonks, and Kingsley.

"How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye a man who trusted you and killed him! TELL THEM" Harry shouted.

Snape pulled our his wand making everyone gasp again. McGonagall pulled her wand out pushing Harry to the side they began to fight Draco clutched on to my waist nervously Mcgonagall kept fighting until snape disappeared to the dark lord.

Everyone clapped and cheered. A loud whisper of the dark lord crept into everyone's ear students dropping to the floor screaming. The voice told everyone to hand Harry over and would be rewarded. We had until midnight.

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