Chapter fifteen

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Draco swiped a bottle of beer from the table and took me upstairs to the attic. It was quiet and the only place death eaters weren't, Draco had put beanbag chairs on the floor for us to sit on. I opened the bottle of fire whiskey and began drinking it I handed it to Draco as it burnt its way down my throat making Draco laugh until it was his turn.

"Is this what Voldemort does" I asked.

"Does what" Draco responded.

"Rip families apart probably because he doesn't have one" I said taking another drink.

"I don't know but let's have fun for once forget about it all" Draco smiled.

So that's what we did Draco took me by the waist and danced around the attic laughing for the first time in the past few days. We drank more and more until we both couldn't talk properly every now and again sneaking down stairs smuggling fire whiskey under our tops. At midnight we were both drunk playing bord games and taking embarrassing photos of each other. We stumbled back to Draco's room collapsing on the bed the room was spinning and our heads felt like they were exploding. The death eaters were all leaving and we sat there mumbling a load of nonsense to one another. Narcissa came up stairs opening the door to Draco's room.

"You two have your own beds" narcissa shouted.

"Be quiet will you my heads banging" Draco moaned.

"Are you..... are you drunk" narcissa spat.

"Why does it matter to you, you don't care you never do that's the problem" Draco complained.

"Of course I care what makes you think I don't" she replied.

"You signing me up to be a death eater, you standing there whilst father hits me, you always taking his side" Draco fumed.

The alcohol had taken him over letting everything he had bottled up come out.

"Don't be so rude, LUCIUS" narcissa shouted making our heads hurt more.

"What" he responded coming into the door way.

"What is going on" he hissed.

"These two decided to get drunk" narcissa shouted.

"It's not even a big deal but please my head is banging" I groaned rolling onto Draco's chest.

"GET OUT" roared Lucius.

"She's staying" Draco barked hugging me tighter.

"You listen to me right now" Lucius yelled dragging me out the bed.

"Father no" Draco shouted tripping over his feet as he grabbed his fathers arm.

"Mother tell him" Draco cried.

Lucius was dragging me out of the bedroom hoping someone would do something.

"Draco" I screamed as Lucius tightened his grip pulling me by my hair.

"You stupid girl" he shouted.

"Mother I love her please" Draco wailed behind me.

"Lucius it's the middle of the night" narcissa called.

"If you insist" Lucius scoffed still dragging me downstairs.

Draco was chasing after us as we went down the corridor to the cellar. Lucius shoved me down the stairs the room was dark and cold tears ran down my face as I was thrown it to the wall.

"Father don't leave her in there" Draco cried trying to get past.

"It's not even that bad can't you remember" Lucius sneered.

"Let's refresh your memory! Go join your precious girlfriend" Lucius ranted shoving Draco down the stairs.

"I'm your son" Draco cried as the door locked.

"Start acting like it" narcissa shouted following Lucius upstairs.

The cellar was cold and dark the emptiness that surrounded us ate into our souls slowly chipping away our happiness.

"How long do you think they'll leave us down here" I asked.

"Usually two days but I don't know anymore" Draco breathed exhausted.

We were both still a bit drunk but that was the least of our worry's.

"This is all my fault" I whispered sitting down against the wall.

"No it's not they used to do this to me all the time I'm just sorry your down here" Draco replied sliding down the wall next to me.

I put my head on his shoulder our cold bodies stealing the remaining heat from one another. I looked around for an escape root but I was too drained to keep fighting. I kept thinking maybe it was a mistake coming here but at the same time things might be bad here but I have Draco. Things are bad in the other reality and I'm on my own. I would rather stay here with Draco then return home alone.

"Is it true what you said upstairs" I asked

"What did I say" Draco replied.

"That you loved me" I said.

"Of course it is your the reason I keep fighting" Draco smiled.

"I love you too" I whispered.

I put my head on his lap looking up at him wondering how someone so beautiful and caring ended up with parents who don't care.
I slowly shut my eyes falling asleep in the safety of Draco's arms.

When I woke up Draco was sleeping still I didn't know what the time was but I could see a bit of light coming through the door. I felt like a criminal locked up in Azkaban, even though i hadn't done anything wrong I felt like I had.

I heard movement upstairs I shook Draco awake remembering where he was he stood up walking over to the door. The door opened revealing a house elf carrying a two bottles of water. The moody elf handed them to us I thanked him unlike Draco who walked away in a huff.

"Let's walk" I said grabbing Draco's hand.

We walked around the cellar we went around in circles but at least it gave us something to do until we were freed.

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