Chapter twelve

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We walked up to the house I was trembling as Draco opened the door revealing the posh house.

"Mother" Draco shouted.

Narcissa came out of the kitchen walking over to us.

"I didn't think you would mind Laura coming for the holidays" Draco smiled.

"Not at all your friends are always welcome" narcissa replied.

"Girlfriend" Draco stated.

"I'll set up another bed in your room for Laura or she can have the spare room" she offered.

"I can put it up in my room it's not hassle" Draco said.

"Where's father" Draco asked uneasy.

"He'll be home in a few minutes" narcissa replied.

We both headed up to Draco's room he kicked some socks under his bed and shoved some T-shirt's in his draws trying to clean up for me. I sat down on the bed looking out the window to he view was calming it all seemed so peaceful and perfect.

"Are you hungry" Draco asked.

"Starving" I laughed.

"We can go and get some dinner if you want" Draco responded

"Lead the way" I smiled.

Draco lead me out his room and we walked down to the kitchen we raided the cupboards trying to find something to eat. Draco ended up making pancakes with chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

We were just finishing them at the kitchen table when Lucius walked in with narcissa my heart dropped as I accidentally made eye contact.

"Draco who's the guest" Lucius hissed.

"Laura, Laura Hack" Draco announced.

As Lucius moved around the table he saw my face more clearly.

"You" Lucius spat.

"I told you draco" I whispered.

"It's fine" Draco replied but I could see he was nervous too.

"Do you know her Lucius" narcissa asked.

"This wretched little girl cast a spell on me when we were sent to the ministry" Lucius hissed.

"I'm sorry but I was just doing what I had to do just like you were" I replied.

"Your immature and I want you gone" Lucius ranted.

"Huh I'm immature you're the one that was tricking a 15 year old into giving you the prophecy" I laughed.

"You little-" Lucius started.

"Father don't, she's staying with us and you are going to be nice for once" Draco said taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

When we got upstairs we sat on the bed my heart was pounding.

"Your braver than I am to stand up to father" Draco admitted.

"I don't feel it" I laughed.

After a while of laying on the bed talking about umbridge and dumbledore we still couldn't work out how everything got so messed up.

"Draco we need to talk to you alone" Lucius said bursting through the door.

"Why can't you say it in front of Laura" Draco asked.

"Don't be difficult" Lucius sneered.

"Draco go" I said knowing he didn't want to leave me alone.

I didn't want him to leave but I didn't want to make the situation between Lucius and I worse.

I stayed up stairs reading a book Draco had on his table.

When he returned half an hour later he was as white as a ghost.

"What happened" I asked.

Draco locked the door and sat on the bed next to me.

"The dark lord wants me to work for him and my parents agreed" Draco explained.

"What that can't be possible why would he want you, no offence but why" I asked trying not to freak out.

"I have no idea" Draco answered

"Can't you refuse" I demanded.

"If you refuse the dark lords offer he will kill you" Draco replied avoiding my gaze.

I put my arms around him I had no idea what would happen next but it wouldn't be good.

"It happens tomorrow" Draco told me his voice was shaky as he tried not to cry.

"It's okay I'll be here" I reassured him.

"It's okay go back to the weasleys" Draco said

"We made a promise" I reminded him

"You gave me this locket that says 'you be my star I'll be your sky' with out the sky the stars won't have a home" I declared.

"I just want you to be happy" he replied tears filling his eyes.

"Your my home Draco where ever you are is where I should be" i replied.

Draco finally agreed and we set the other bed up not that I was going to sleep in it, it was just so Draco's parents thought I did.

I got changed in the bathroom whilst Draco got changed in the bedroom when I came out Draco was already in bed with a book. I climbed in next to him he put his arm around me and began reading after about an hour I was starting to fall asleep.
Draco put the book down on the floor and we laid there talking bad out how things were going to change now. We were both scared but we made a deal to face it together and to not shut each other out.

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