Chapter thirty-six

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His parents arrived home fairly soon summoning us down stairs. Narcissa smiled as she saw me but When Lucius looked at me it wasn't a glare but he wasn't happy to see me I don't know how to describe his expression.

"We have a meeting scheduled for the morning the dark lord ordered it today" Lucius scoffed.

"Okay" we replied nervously.

"If either of you know where potter is you must tell us" narcissa added.

"We will but even the weasleys don't know where he is" I explained.

"Okay, you can go back to what you were doing now" narcissa said dragging Lucius away.

The rest of the day was spent in Draco's room he had bought a mini tv that his parents didn't know about if they found out they had a muggle convention among them they would flip. There wasn't much on so we watched cartoons with a bowl of fruit in front of us.

The next morning i woke up early and got dressed into what Draco and I call death eater clothes. Draco was sleeping soundly with mini Malfoy between him and where I had been sleeping, the view was precious.

I woke him up at 7am so he could get dressed and have chance to eat before the meeting. We were both nervous but we new what to expect in some ways. Once breakfast was out of the way bellatrix came early to see how we all were Draco said she'd be hanging around a lot more which I didn't mind.

"Draco, Laura, how are you" she asked.

"Good" we replied.

"I just realised you two haven't killed anyone after all this time of being a death eater" she smirked.

"Oh please don't volunteer us for anything, we aren't like you we didn't want to be death eaters" Draco said rolling his eyes.

"Shame really" Bella smiled.

"When did you become a death eater" i asked.

"When I graduated from Hogwarts" she told me.

"I like her Draco she asks about me" Bella smirked loving the topic of herself.

"I was planning on keeping her anyway" Draco smiled making me blush.

Narcissa came through telling us we needed to go into the other room. Draco took my hand into his as we walked to our seats the dark lord hadn't arrived yet but we knew he would appear any second. And he did.

"Thank you for coming" he began.

"We still don't know Where Harry Potter is but if anyone finds him bring him to me, we have snatchers everywhere keeping an eye out" the dark lord continued.

The dark lord babbled on for longer about things that didn't concern Draco and i, whe he finally left everyone else began walking out Bella stayed in with narcissa and Lucius but Draco and I ran after snape.

"Snape" we called.

"What do I owe the pleasure" snape turned around sarcastically.

"We wanted to thank you for doing the task we never got the chance" I said.

"Your welcome" he replied turning away.

"What's happening with Hogwarts" Draco asked.

"I'm in charge now and some students are refusing to return so they are going to other schools or being home schooled" snape grunted.

"Nothing's the same there is it" I asked.

"No it is not" snape answered before disapparating.

For the next few weeks went to more meetings they didn't really concern us until the last one where the dark lord told us to return to school and to find out if anyone knows where Harry potter is. Draco and I both knew school was going to be scary and different without Dumbledore but snape didn't hate us and Mcgonagall looked out for every student hopefully us included.

The night before school Draco and I packed our trunks preparing for the morning. Neither of us slept much that night we woke every hour mainly with flashbacks of the night of Dumbledore's assassination. Draco knew every time I had a flashback and would wrap me in his arms and i would play with his fingers. He made feel safe and secure, every now and again he would remind me how much he loved me.

When it was time to get up we put on our uniform and went for breakfast. Draco made us some cereal as we weren't too hungry, sitting at the table we discussed some positives about going back to Hogwarts.

" snape said there's a spare bedroom in the dorms now that some students aren't returning he told me we could have it" Draco told me.

"That's a relief I was dreading sharing a room with daphne and pansy again" I laughed.

" think of one more positive and then we're sorted" Draco said.

"I can think of two I get to be with you all the time and we do t have to worry about getting in trouble with your father" I replied.

"That's true" he grinned.

We looked at the time in horror we we're supposed to leave ten minutes ago running upstairs to brush our teeth and collect our things. We thought it would be quicker to disapparate so clinging on to each other we arrived at the station.

Draco loaded my trunk and we found a compartment. Draco was still tired and so was I we hadn't slept much in the past few days. I laid on the chairs my head on his lap as he played with my hair. Making me shiver at his soft touch. He did that for the rest of the journey.

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