Chapter thirty-one

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It had been three months the summer was here and the cabinet was fixed. It took us until June but it was done we waited for the death eaters to arrive. Both of us shaking nervously knowing we had to kill dumbledore by the end of tonight.

The cabinet was about to open we fled the room heading to the astronomy tower. We could hear voices I couldn't hear who it was or what was being said but maybe they didn't want people to know.

"Stay here on guard" Draco whispered.

"No chance it's our task we both have to do this" I fumed.

"Your right sorry I just don't want you too see or do it" Draco replied.

"I'm scared" I gulped.

"Me too" he answered.

We went up the stairs our wands at the ready. We both wanted to cry as we saw Dumbledore rise from the steps.

"What brings you here on this fine evening" dumbledore began.

"Who else is here I heard talking" Draco asked.

"I often talk aloud to myself" dumbledore answered.

"You two are no assassins" dumbledore continued.

"How do you know what we are, done things that would shock you"Draco trembled.

"Like cursing Katie bell in return she'd bare a cursed necklace to me, like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison,..... forgive me you two but I can't help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in it" Dumbledore's exposed.

"He trusts us" Draco shouted.

"We were chosen" I shook revealing my arm.

"I shall make it easy for you" Dumbledore replied raising his wand.

"Expelliarmus" Draco yelled disarming him.

"Your not alone there are others" Dumbledore stated as the door flew open.

"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement we've been mending it" I said with a shaky voice my hand shaking.

"It has a twin at borgin and Burkes" Draco added.

"Years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices, please let me help you" Dumbledore offered.

If we could I would've taken him up on it but we don't have a choice.

"We don't want your help, don't you'll understand....... We have to do this" Draco declared.

"We have to kill you...... or he's going to kill us" I cried.

Bellatrix and the other death eaters came running in congratulating us. Draco pulled me next to him I grabbed his free hand refusing to let go.

"Do it" bellatrix taunted.

"He doesn't have the stomach" another death eater sneered.

Draco was lowering his wand and mine was no longer pointing at Dumbledore.

"Go on you two NOW!!" Bellatrix screamed.

Draco shook we both wanted to cry as Dumbledore looked at us.

"No" snape shouted behind us.

Draco put his wand down and grabbed hold of me moving out of snapes way.

"Severus please" Dumbledore whispered begging for his life.

"Avada kedavra" snape yelled.

There was a loud bang both of us stood traumatised staring at the scene snape pushing us out the door as tears fell down my cheeks.

We strolled through the corridors bellatrix singing and dancing smashing what ever she could completely destroying the great hall. They had taken our father figure and now they were ruining our home the place all our memories were.

We Marched to hagrids hut Harry following us shouting things at snape. Bellatrix set hagrids hut on fire making us almost snap our necks as we looked at the explosion.

Snape told us to go I dragged Draco with me following bellatrix. All the other death eaters met up apparating to the Malfoy manor.

When we arrived there was loud music and people celebrating narcissa took us into the kitchen hugging us both tight.

"I'm so sorry, your just kids" she sobbed.

"Snape did it" I replied so quiet it was almost a whisper.

"They destroyed our home" Draco cried.

"You two can go get some air but stay close" narcissa said.

When she left we grabbed a few bottles of fire whiskey and went outside. We didn't want to get drunk we just wanted to numb the pain and forget for a few hours. It didn't matter how much we drank Dumbledore was dead and maybe we could have prevented it by letting us help him. Hogwarts was without a headmaster and had been wrecked by bellatrix. I had to erase myself from my families memory and all I had was Draco left. After what happened tonight I doubt the twins will want me hanging out with them anymore.

After five bottles of fire whiskey we gave up trying to numb the pain we went up stairs to bed. Draco pulled me into him our bodies touching i turned to face him tears dropped down his face.

"Draco please don't cry" I said wiping the tears away.

"Did you see his face" Draco whispered.

"Don't I'm trying to forget it.... the way he looked at us when he took his last breath" I sobbed.

"We should have taken his offer" Draco wept.

I just laid crying into his chest wishing it was all a bad dream and I would wake up soon. The music down stairs was muffled through the thick walls and the locked door leaving us alone with our thoughts. Thinking about Dumbledore hurt that night I cried the most I had ever cried before guilt and shame cutting into me.

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