Chapter twenty-seven

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My heart was racing and I felt sick Laura was holding on to my hand so tight I could barely move my fingers. Going along the sides of the party we dropped the present off and left as quickly as possible. Turning around filch stood with his arms crossed blocking the exit, we both looked at each other hoping he didn't see us leave the gift.

"You two again" filch smirked picking us up by the Collars of our jackets.

He marched us into the party making everyone stare as we were brought in.

"I just discovered these two lurking in an upstairs corridor, they claim to be invited to your party" Filch sneered.

"Okay okay we were gate crashing" i announced trying to save us.

"I'll escort them out" snape whispered locking his gaze on us.

"Certainly professor" I hissed.

We walked out snape following us accusing us of hexing Katie.

"Maybe we did maybe we didn't" I sneered.

"What's it too you" Laura spat.

"I swore to protect you" snape whispered angrily slamming us both into the wall.

"I made the unbreakable vowel" snape continued.

"We don't need protection, we were chosen for this.... out of all others us" I snapped.

"We won't fail him" Laura added her voice shaky. 

"You're afraid, you try to conceal it but it's obvious.... let me assist you"

"No we were chosen it's our moment" I ranted.

Laura pulled me away and we went back to the common room. The only good thing that came out of it was We had put the present on the table and it should get given to Dumbledore over the Christmas holidays.

"We should pack ready for the morning" Laura said trying to keep her mind off what we just did.

"Who's are you going too for Christmas" I asked.

"Yours I mean if you want, I don't think the weasleys really want a death eater in their house" Laura stated.

"Of course you can come to mine" I smiled.

On the train Laura and I were messing around playing cards and eating sweets from the trolly. The twins said goodbye to Laura when we arrived I could tell Laura was nervous about seeing my parents again as she clinger on to mini Malfoy she only holds him like that when she's anxious.

"Hey it's okay I promise I'll keep you out of trouble" I reassured her.

"Do you ever have flashbacks" she asked.

"What kind" I replied.

"Every time I close my eyes I see you know who giving me the mark, your father hitting me, the cellar, Katie being cursed." Laura told me.

"All the time" I answered.

We walked up to the house preparing ourselves for what was to come. Luckily no one was home, we went straight up stairs and began to unpack our stuff.

"Can we get something to eat" Laura asked.

"Sure we can see what we have" I answered.

In the kitchen we searched through the cupboards they had just done the shopping so there was lots of things to chose from.

"Do you want a big or small dinner" I asked.

"Go big or go home" she laughed.

We had lasagna, chips and a salad with some fire whiskey we stole from my parents.

Promising we wouldn't get drunk like last time we had two bottles by that time we didn't care it numbed all the pain of the tasks, almost killing Katie, and everything else that we had done wrong.
Not knowing if Dumbledore was dead or not scared us but after a few more drinks we couldn't think straight.

"Should we take these too your room they won't notice if a couple more bottles go missing" Laura smirked picking them up.

"Why do we need to take it upstairs, I wanna drink and this is my house too so we will drink where ever we want" I grinned sitting on the table.

We were completely drunk at this point we must have had about eight bottles our heads were spinning and everything was so loud. The noise of my parents closing the front door made us feel sick.

They looked around the room to see all the bottles laying empty on the floor around us.

"Lucius I'll handle it" mother said getting him away quickly.

"What are you doing" she asked.

"Coping" Laura laughed.

"It feels amazing" I grinned offering her some.

"You two this isn't how you deal with your problems" mother complained.

She wasn't angry with us she almost looked like she felt sorry for us we both saw it in her eyes.

"My head hurts" Laura giggled the pair of us both drunk we found everything hilarious and couldn't help bursting out laughing every time someone said something.

"Come on" mother said helping us off the table. She took us upstairs and made Laura a bed next to mine.

"Go on get into bed both of you" mother said In an unknown tone she wasn't mad but she wasn't happy it was a mix.

"Thank you for getting snape to protect us" Laura mumbled her head in her hand wishing her head ache away.

"Thank you mother" I smiled.

"It's okay, goodnight you two" mother smiled closing the door.

Laura threw mini Malfoy at me and dived into my bed, I pulled the duvet over her as she put her head on my chest. We hadn't slept in the same bed since the summer we had both missed each others company. Both falling asleep free from all of our pain, cares, and worries, free from all thoughts.

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