Chapter twenty

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The time passed slowly every five minutes we looked down at Draco's watch hoping it was almost morning. We laid there all night not in the mood to sleep, it was the early hours of the next day Draco had been banging on the door begging them to let us out. But no one came. Our begs were silenced.

That morning the elf came down with some water that's when it hit us, we would be down here for a while.

"Hey elf" I said.

"Yes" he replied.

"If I give you some cake next time you come can you bring a blanket" I asked at this point we had nothing to lose.

"I'll try my best" he replied scurrying away.

"It's worth a shot" Draco smiled.

The whole day was spent nibbling at the cake and sipping water. Until the elf returned at 7pm holding a blanket under his arm. We traded part of the cake for the blanket he gave us our drinks and once again disappeared.

I sat on Draco's lap wrapping the blanket around the two of us. Draco looked it to my eyes and ran his fingers along my jaw fixated on me.

"How did I get so lucky" Draco smiled.

"I ask myself the same question" I replied.

"What how did I get so lucky or how did you" Draco asked.

"How did you get so lucky" I laughed.

Our laughs echoing around the room I put my head into his warm chest his heart beating slow and steady I kissed him on the lips before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

"Goodnight my love" Draco whispered.

I was too tired to answer and before I could think of a response I was asleep.

The next few days past the cake was gone by the end of the third day and ever since then our stomachs growled. Our two bottles of water weren't enough this time our bodies were beginning to weaken again. It had been five days out cries became louder and more persistent demanding they let us out.

We could hear footsteps but still no one came for us the only visiter we got was the nasty only house elf who we turned nice somehow. Two more days passed and we knew we would be leaving for Hogwarts In four days so we had to be let out soon. A total of seven days had passed us by and we had given up asking them to let us out our pleas weren't enough this time we just had to wait it out.

"I'm glad I have you here with me" I said pulling the blanket back around Draco.

"I'm glad we're together but I would prefer to be in our room" Draco replied.

"Our room" I smiled I loved the abound of him referring to things as ours.

"You spend as much time in it as I do" Draco laughed.

We were just about to say something else when the cellar door came open.

"Get up come on" narcissa called.

We scrambled up the stairs and were told to apologise to father we both refused and Draco shoved his way past his parents pulling me with him. We locked the bedroom door and laid on the bed our stomachs still growling but we knew we couldn't go down stairs for at least two hours so they could cool off.

When they announced they were going out that's when we set off downstairs. We sat at the kitchen table eating burgers and an ice cream for dessert relieved Draco's parents had finally left us alone.
Counting down the days until we could leave this place even if it meant going to Hogwarts.

The next evening we packed our trunks together and tried to go to sleep but the thought of the dark lords tasks filled our heads.

"Can we go to the field" I asked.

"Of course" Draco replied.

We put a hoodie on over our pyjamas and headed for the Forrest. The dark night made it hard to see clearly but we made our way through into the opening bats flying across the sky and rabbits ran around the fields. Draco sat down on the swing pulling me over to him his bright smile drawing me in. I sat down next to him and we began to swing as the foxes passed and the deers scurried in to the trees we were able to breathe again.

"When we're older we're going to buy a house in the Forrest completely hidden with trees just us two of us" Draco smiled.

"It sounds perfect" I replied.

"We can be free" Draco said putting his arm around me.

We both smiled at the thought and began slowing down the swing until we were at a complete stop.

"Are you ready to go back" Draco asked

"No but we should do it anyway" I smiled jumping off.

When we arrived back we quietly closed the door and tiptoed upstairs. Making it to our room unseen we locked the door and climbed into bed. Curling up in to Draco's arms, his face buried in to my hair as we both began to fall asleep.

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