Chapter eight

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I went back into the house where Fred and George were teasing Ron. Ginny, Hermione and me were all gossiping in our room for a few hours talking about Dumbledore being banished, umbridges new rules and who's dating who.

Hermione and Ginny fell asleep after a while leaving me staring at the locket Draco had got me thinking what to write in the letter tomorrow.

"Laura" someone whispered outside the door.

"What is it" I whispered back trying not to wake the others.

"Come out here" they said.

Opening the door to see Fred and George in their pyjamas and coat.

"What are you doing" I asked

"Grab your shoes and coat" George smiled.

Once I had put my shoes and coat on I followed them quietly down the stairs.

George grabbed some keys off the table and we hurried out the door leading to the cold night.

"Who wants to go for a night drive" Fred laughed.

We all climbed in to the car George threw Fred the keys and we set off, once away from muggles we lifted off the ground up into the sky. The feeling of being up there being free was amazing. George pointed to an empty field in the middle of know where making Fred land. Climbing out of the car and running through the field of snow, Fred threw a snowball at me almost making me fall over I threw one at both of them. They chased me in circles until we couldn't run any more, we made snow angels and snow men finding what ever we could to decorate it.

Laying out blankets on the ground we all huddled together to keep warm looking up at the stars together I fell asleep in between the two of them they both dozed off after me. When we woke up it was light the snow was thicker than last night and our snow angels had been filled.

"We should go home" Fred said looking at his watch.

"What time is it" I asked

"5:30" Fred replied

We shook George awake pulling him up and getting back in the car. George drove home Fred and I sitting in the back eating sweets we found in the compartments.

Arriving home we snuck in hoping to go back to bed unseen.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" molly shouted running down the stairs

"Beds empty! No note! Car gone...... could've crashed.... out of my with worry.... did you care?" Molly ranted.

The three of us stood in silence huddled together as she waved her finger in our faces.

"You wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy" she continued angrily.

"Sorry mother" Fred and George said

"Sorry" I apologised

"Oh you're of the hook dear it's those two that don't have brains" molly smiled putting her arm around me taking me to the kitchen.

We prepared the breakfast and set the table the others woke up and came down to join us.

"Morning" Arthur said arriving home from his night at work.

"Good morning" we all said.

"Ask those three what they did last night" molly bellowed pointing at us.

"Come on let's hear it" Arthur said rolling his eyes.

"They snuck out when we had all gone to bed, they took the car and where out all night long" molly complained.

"Where did you go" Arthur asked.

"We found a field" George Said.

"We made a snow man" Fred added.

"We had a snow ball fight" I continued.

"We fell asleep star gazing" the twins said.

"Sounds like you had fun" Arthur smiled.

"We did" I replied.

"Don't encourage this behaviour" molly shouted at Arthur.

"Yes of course love.... Umm you should act more like Percy" Arthur said trying to think of something.

"Percy's boring all he does is study" Fred laughed.

"Leave your brother alone and eat" Arthur commented.

After breakfast I went into the living room and began writing my letter to Draco.

Dear Draco,

I love my Locket I'm never going to take it off!
I just wanted to say I meant it when I said it at the ball I do really like you. When we go back to school we'll talk about it.


Once I sent it I felt amazing I had never felt so happy in my life. I wasn't in trouble for things I didn't do I had friends and hopefully a boyfriend I couldn't hear my parents shouting I was free from it all.

"Laura come up here" George called.

I went up the stairs into Fred and George's room they were laying on beanbag chairs in the middle of the floor I sat down between them, they handed me a board game.

"Join us" they asked.

"Of course" I replied.

We sat playing the game until we got so bored we couldn't move. Fred and George got snappy with each other and I had to break up a few fights.

The next few days were the same we played games, pulled pranks, annoyed Ron, and set off fireworks most nights.

It was the day before we left for school we were picking up everything we needed, none of us wanting to go back with out Dumbledore in charge. We all got ready for bed that night everyone taking it turns in the bathroom. George and Fred had set up a hammock on the roof, we filled it with pillows and blankets if molly knew she wouldn't let us do it so we had to sneak up there.

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