Chapter thirteen

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I woke up to find Draco wasn't there I waited a few minutes to see if he came back. It was 3am and the house was dark I kept out of the bedroom standing at the top of the stairs I could see a light on so I went down quietly. I could hear a piano playing in one of the rooms, creeping over to the door I peered through the crack Draco was sitting there playing the piano. Sitting down next to him i played the keys for the other player he smiled as we sat there together.

"Why are you down here" I asked

"I play the piano when I need to clear my mind." Draco answered.

"When are you coming back up" I smiled

"I'll come up now" draco said with a big stretch.

We went back up stairs climbing in to bed again I laid on his chest as he played with my hair. Slowly falling back to sleep for a few hours. Draco woke me up at about 7 with some breakfast he told me you know who was coming at 10 and he needed to be ready.

We ate breakfast together I even managed to make Draco eat some before we got dressed. Draco put on jeans and a shirt casual looked good on him I hadn't noticed much until today.

Draco went into the drawing room where the dark lord was I sat on the stairs waiting for him to come back his parents stood near me. Lucius scowled at me a few times but I was too worried for Draco to care.

Draco was in there for what seemed like ages and he looked like a lost puppy when he came out. The dark lord followed him and began talking to Lucius and narcissa Draco sat next to me holding his arm.

"Who's the girl" the dark lord asked staring into my soul my body went cold at his gaze.

"Draco's girlfriend" Lucius snarled.

"You don't seem to like her" stated the dark lord.

"She cast a spell on me the day of your return." Lucius barked.

"She's brave" The dark lord smiled.

"She also has an attitude" narcissa added.

"What house are you in" the dark lord asked me.

"Slytherin" I replied my heart pounding.

"Interesting, I want her" the dark lord said summoning me up to him.

"She can help Draco" he continued.

He took me into the drawing room where he asked for my name and information about me.

He gave me the choice of become a death eater or die.

I held out my arm my eyes closed tightly shut as he began pressing his wand in to me. My arm burnt my skin was heating up and it the dark mark hadn't even formed yet. I opened my eyes tears filling them as the start of the mark appeared faintly. Growing each second the mark became bigger and bigger until it took up the space on my left inner forearm. The intolerable pain made me drop to the floor tears running down my cheeks. Every tear that fell the dark lord pressed into my arm harder, my screams echoed through the house. The dark lord finished the mark releasing my arm from his grip making me fall onto my side clutching my arm. Tears dripping on to the hard floor, although the room was silent it was so loud I just wanted to quiet the noise.

"Get up" the dark lord ordered.

To scared not too I got up like he asked the room was spinning slightly, following the dark lord out of the room tears still slowly falling Draco shoved past his parents wrapping his arms around me pulling my head into his chest.

"Thank you today was a success I will see you tomorrow for our meeting and they will join in two weeks time" the dark lord explained.

"Yes my lord" Lucius smiled

They showed the dark lord out Draco and I stumbled up the stairs to his room. Sitting on the bed he let me cry into him.

"Is there anything you need" Draco asked choking on his words.

"Just don't let go" I whispered as tears soaked through his shirt.

"I won't" Draco replied.

"I'm so sorry Laura, none of this should have happened" Draco cried.

"It's not your fault how did we know he would want me" I whispered I couldn't get my voice any louder.

"You can just shift back home can't you, you can escape" Draco asked.

"No, I'm not leaving you I never want to go back there I want to be with you" I answered.

"I just want you safe" Draco cried.

"If I can shift there Voldemort will be able to do the same he's powerful he can probably apparate there I'm not safe from him anywhere" I told him.

Draco didn't reply the room was quiet but still everything was so loud. Draco's sobs broke my heart into millions of pieces. Laying on Draco's chest Draco stroked my arm carefully trying not to hurt me.

I tried to go to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw the dark lord standing over me with his wand.



"I'm scared"

" me too Laura"

Leaving the conversation at that we stared at the ceiling wishing we had never came back from Hogwarts.

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