Chapter two

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Heading for the common room with a book about Hogwarts. Draco was sitting on the sofa staring at the wall he didn't notice me until I sat down in the arm chair.

"I'm surprised you aren't sneaking out to see your boyfriend" Draco scoffed.

"My boyfriend" I laughed confused.

"Harry" Draco spat.

"He's not my boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes and opening my book.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Draco decided to leave.

"Your a Slytherin now so don't ruin our reputation by hanging out with a mud blood like granger" Draco sneered walking to his dorm.

I ignored him carrying on with my book, when it got to 12 I went back to my dorm I was so happy I had shifted I laid in bed listening to the silence. I could no longer hear my parents arguing over everything, my sister wasn't getting me in trouble, I was finally free.

Pansy woke me the next morning she gave me my uniform and bag. I got dressed and met pansy in the common room she dragged me to great hall for breakfast both discussing what classes we had together. I went over to Fred and George they greeted me with big smiles making fun of my slytherin uniform.

"Don't get me started I wanted to be Gryffindor" I laughed.

"It's fine you'll still be in classes with Ron and his friends." George said.

"I bet you made friends with Draco already" Fred added.

"I can't stand him" I complained.

"See she's still one of us" Ron said to Harry

"What do you mean by that" I asked.

"Harry was worried you would become friends with Draco and his parents are death eaters" Hermione laughed.

"You don't have to worry about that I'm staying as far away from him as possible even though He has to take me to all my classes for the next few days" I ranted.

"Good luck" Ron laughed.

I went back over to Draco who was waiting grumpily by the door a lot of people had already left for class and Draco didn't want to be early.

I stood next to him leaning on the wall for about 10minutes neither of us talking to each other. Finally setting off to class we walked slowly down the corridor.

"You can talk to me you know if it's about potter not liking my parents I can't help what their job is" Draco said making me feel kind of sorry for him.

"It's not that it's your attitude and how you talk to people that I don't like" I sneered.

"Whatever, we're in here" Draco said pointing to the potions class.

I started for the door but something felt wrong I looked back to see Draco wasn't coming.

"Come on" I mumbled

"I'll meet you here after class I'm not going" he said walking away.

"Why not" I asked

"I don't feel like it" he smirked.

"Your coming in and showing me how to make a potion" I laughed dragging him in the classroom.

When we got in the only table left was a two seater at the back. Draco got his books out I had completely forgotten to get my books that morning.

"I don't have any books I'm supposed to get them off snape" I whispered.

"It's fine he's our teacher" Draco replied pointing as snape walked in.

Professor snape walked down the isles inspecting everyone, when he got to us he slowly handed me my books I gave a small nervous smile as his eyes locked on to mine.

Quickly turning away snape walked back to the front shouting commands. Quickly turning to the page and reading the instructions, Draco didn't even have his book open at this point.

"You will work with the person on your table and complete the potion in this hour." Snape announced.

Draco went and got everything we needed and I started cutting up the ingredients. I had been hated by most people in the school in my reality and I wasn't going to make enemies in Hogwarts, Draco had a bad attitude but he hadn't been nasty to me so I would try my best to get along with him.

"What's next" I asked

"Snake fangs" Draco replied passing me a tin.

We took it in turns stirring the potion, Draco put the last ingredient in and it was the moment of truth whether it worked or not. There was a loud bubble in the cauldron and it started to rise quickly exploding with a loud bang making everyone look. We were both covered in goo from where it exploded.

"Where did we go wrong" I asked pulling clumps of goo from my hair.

"I have no idea" Draco said disgusted by the mess around us.

"You two can stay behind to clear up" snape hissed angrily.

Everyone else's potions were perfect they all left for their next lesson leaving Draco and I scrubbing the floor and cupboards.

"I was sure we added everything into the potion" Draco said inspecting the gloop.

"Did we add the berries" I asked picking up the unopened tub.

"I guess not" Draco laughed.

"I guess we always have next time" i smiled.

We collected our bags and walked down to our next lesson. Entering charms class we took our seats this time sat on a table with Goyle and zabini. We we're given writing tasks to do and a two page essay for homework.

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