Chapter thirty-four

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As Draco walked away my heart broke in to pieces I wished he could've taken me with him. Fred put his arm around me and took me back inside as Draco disappeared from view.

"We can still have fun" George smiled.

"Like old times" Fred added.

"I guess it's only for a few days" I said trying my best to smile through the pain.

When molly came down George explained where Draco had gone so I didn't have too. Meanwhile Fred showed me some things he had made for the joke shop, it was some powder you blow at someone to make their face go distorted.

"Breakfast" molly called.

"I'll beat you there" Fred smirked.

We both started running he pushed me onto the sofa and bolted in to the kitchen. I walked in glaring at him as he took his seat all smug.

"You're the annoying twin aren't you" I joked.

"Your just jealous you didn't win the race" he bragged.

"Just eat your breakfast" I scoffed.

With Draco gone I had two options worry about him and sulk all day or worry about him and have some fun. It didn't matter what option I picked I would still worry about him, but I knew he would want me to have fun.

After breakfast i helped the weasley's fix their old house we worked on it for most of the day but by the end we were moving all of their belongings in.

"Laura" George whispered.

"What" I replied.

"Come and join the big boys" they smirked.

I followed them out of the house Ginny saw us leave but just carried on making dinner with molly. Fred gave me a piggy back ride and George led the way to a field full of roses of all colours.

"This place is beautiful" I said in pure amazement.

"I like the blue roses the best" Fred told me.

"Why do you like those ones" I asked.

"They are bright and make me think of home" he smiled.

"I like the dark green ones they make me think of the people I love... you, your family, Draco, the golden trio" I explained.

"Boo" George shouted from behind us.

"Where did you go" I asked jumping from his loud voice.

"I was collecting flowers" George answered.

"Red roses" Fred scoffed.

"What a cliche" I laughed.

"Shut up you pair of idiots one day someone will appreciate them" George grunted.

"I wanted to thank you for letting Draco come over" I Decided now was a good time to mention it.

"He protects you, we see how much he loves you and we want you to be happy! He isn't a bad guy as we found out from you" George smiled.

"Can you promise me something" Fred asked.

"Anything" I replied.

"Do what makes you happy don't let anyone stand in your way" Fred said.

"Of course" I answered putting my arms around him.

"Come here Georgie" I smiled.

The three of us sat there hugging each other for ages.
"I love you two idiots" I grinned.

"We love you too" they both said with massive grins on their faces.

We went back home in time for dinner molly had just served it up as we walked through the door.
We were all talking and the twins cracking jokes when ever they could. After dinner we all played a bord game Ginny, Arthur, and molly against Fred, George and myself. Of course i was on the winning team Fred having to help me on most of the moves and George laughing every time I stared blankly at the bord.

Ginny and I went upstairs after two games I showed her how to do different make up looks the twins joined us after a while wondering what we were doing.

"My go" Fred laughed sitting in the chair.

"What about me" George asked.

"I'll do your make up George" Ginny laughed.

I started on Fred's, he requested blue eye shadow with flowers drawn on his cheeks and I couldn't forget the eye liner. I even found some blue lipstick for him to try.

"Don't we look gorgeous" they both giggled.

"How do you wear this all day it makes my eyes feel heavy." George asked.

"You should try it with false eye lashes" Ginny laughed.

They began wiping it off whilst dancing to songs on the radio. Ginny and I got snacks from down stairs watching as the two of them jumped around like crazy.

"Laura let's sleep in the hammock again" George beamed.

"Ginny you can join us" Fred smiled.

"I'm pretty tired I'm probably going to go to bed soon" she replied hugging us all goodnight.

We ran up to the hammock at the top of the house we all climbed in the twins either side of me. The stars were bright dazzling our tired eyes.

"You forgot this" George said picking up mini malfoy.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"What's the deal with the bear anyway" Fred asked.

"He's apart of Draco and I do when I'm not with Draco a part of him will always be with me" I explained.

"You love him don't you" Fred grinned.

"Yeah, I do" I replied.

We all laughed cringing at the word love. Our immature selves couldn't help it. I laid on Fred's shoulder my legs across George who was stealing all the blanket even on a summers day it was cold. Fred grabbed it from him covering us up and with that we all fell asleep.

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