Chapter thirty-two

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Laura laid on my arms we could barely bring ourselves to speak neither of us knew what to say. We were so mentally exhausted we hadn't left the bedroom for a week we went to the bathroom and that was it.

"Come on" I said dragging Laura out of bed.

"I'm too tired" she replied.

"Laura come on we have to get on with things" I explained.

"Okay but I'm only doing it for you" she groaned rolling out of bed.

I took her to the kitchen where we forced our selves to eat it was only a slice of toast but it was all we could bring our selves to eat.

"Your going to go for a shower while I sort some things out then I'll go" I demanded we needed to harsh on ourselves.

"Okay I'll go now" Laura agreed forcing a smile.

I followed her upstairs and began cleaning our room up and making the bed so we weren't tempted to get back in.

Laura went for a shower and I went when she was finished. Once we were both ready we decided to go into town we could get some air and it would give us something to do.

The town was quiet the summer sky was bright after being in a dark room we felt like zombies. I took her into Fred and George's joke shop so she could see them again I could tell she was nervous about seeing them as she hid behind me.

"Laura" Fred beamed wrapping his arms around her.

"We heard what happened that task was awful I'm so sorry" George announced also hugging her.

I stood awkwardly behind them all, I was glad they weren't angry with Laura as none of it was her fault.

"Malfoy" they said with a small smile.

"Can you all just try and get on I know you want to but your scared that the other one won't like you" Laura spat.

"I mean I'm willing for your sake" I answered.

"Us two" the twins replied shaking my hand.

"You don't have to be best friends but be civil" she smiled.

"Well coming here worked" I laughed.

"What do you mean" Fred asked.

"I haven't seen Laura smile in months" I told them.

"It's been a rough year" Laura added softly.

"Why didn't you go home or wasn't it an option" George asked.

"The dark lord could find me still and I had to wipe myself from my families memory" Laura explained.

"That's awful I'm so sorry" Fred replied.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione left to do something mother wants to see you" George smiled.

"Draco you can come too" Fred said.

"I don't think your mother will forgive me for the things I've done" I replied.

"If we can I'm sure mother will she knows how you've looked after Laura" George smiled

"Please Draco" Laura begged.

"What if I let you go for a bit then I'll join you in a few hours" I contemplated.

"Draco I don't want to leave you" Laura cried.

We've been inseparable for so long it's no wonder we don't want to leave each other.

"Laura I don't want to make molly uncomfortable in her own house by having someone who's snide comments have hurt a lot of people" I replied.

"She wouldn't be uncomfortable she's the one who offered" Fred added.

"See please come" Laura pleaded.

"Okay okay" I gave in.

When we arrived I stood awkwardly behind them all and remind silent even when we had taken a seat. Molly was upstairs cleaning when we arrived, I really didn't want to be here I thought it would be awkward.

"Laura, Draco" molly beamed coming through the door.

"How are you both" she grinned.

"Not too bad" we both replied.

"I am so sorry about that task it was awful" molly apologised.

Laura looked at me taking my hand in to hers she started to play with my rings again under the awkward conversation.

"How are you" I asked trying to change the topic.

"I'm well thank you" molly answered.

"What are you four doing today then" she questioned.

"Probably just hanging out watch a movie maybe" Fred replied.

George found a movie for us to watch all of us sitting around throwing sweets at one another.

"Draco can I borrow you" molly asked.

"Sure" I said nervously I wanted to know what she wanted but I didn't at the same time.

I followed her into the kitchen she closed the door behind us.

"I wanted to ask how Laura was but I didn't want to upset her by asking" molly explained.

"Honestly we've both been a wreck I dragged us out of bed today we haven't left our room since that night." I told her.

"How did she even become a death eater" molly queried.

"Well I was signed up by my parents and Laura was sat on the stairs when the dark lord came he saw something in her and he would have killed her if she refused" I explained.

"It's horrible I'm so sorry that happened to you both i truly am" she commented.

"I'm sorry for all those times I was nasty I'm a better person now and I- I only did it because I was jealous." I said sheepishly.

"Jealous why" molly asked shocked.

"You go on holidays whilst I'm locked in the cellar, you have family meals while I'm sitting home alone wondering when my parents will be home.... I took it out on your family and I'm sorry" I apologised.

"That's terrible, I know you worry about being like your father but you apologised he would never" molly replied.

"I forgive you" she said letting me go back to the others.

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