Chapter twenty-six

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Once the necklace was ready to go we went our separate ways deciding to meet in the three broomsticks that's where the necklace would be given to a student.

"Be careful and I'll come get you as soon as I've done" Draco said.

"Okay be careful" I said kissing him on the cheek before I left.

I met Fred and George and we walked into town town with the trio they didn't like the fact I was there but The twins insisted. Ron begged to get a butter beer and we were all dragged into the three broomsticks knowing full well what would happen in there I couldn't help but look around to see if Draco had arrived.

"Laura what do you want" Fred asked

"I left my money I'm okay thanks" I replied I had been so focused on the necklace I forgot to bring my money.

"It's fine I'll pay" Fred replied.

"I'll have a butter beer thank you" I replied.

"so where's Draco today" George asked.

"He said he was buying something but he wouldn't tell me what maybe it's a present you never know" I lied trying to give him an okay cover story.

"Ooo lucky I don't understand we look like this and we can't get a girlfriend" George sulked.

"Maybe looking like that's the problem" I joked.

"Haha so funny" Fred said sticking his tongue out.

They were all talking and that's when I saw it Draco had spotted someone and was hurrying towards them.

"I'm going to the toilet I'll be back in a sec" I whispered to George not wanting to interrupt the others.

I went off and found Draco with Katie bell, I waited outside listening to what they were saying. I couldn't hear anything from the sound of people talking and hitting glasses together. When Draco came out he pulled me into the corridor the corridor telling me to get out of there quickly and that he would meet me at Hogwarts.

I did what he said and went back to the others they were all packing up to leave waiting for me to get back. I grabbed my bag and we all went out the door I could see Katie a bit ahead of us arguing with her friend we were all messing around until there was a loud scream.

Katie was up in the air looking possessed by someone the necklace laid on the ground open in front of us. My stomach knotted and I felt like I was going to throw up Harry ran from help getting Hagrid. Katie's life less body dropped to the floor being carried away. It was all our fault she wasn't supposed to pick it up Dumbledore should have. We had failed and now some innocent student was cursed because of us.

We pretty much ran to Hogwarts I explained to Draco what happened he went completely pale I thought he was going to throw up. He took me into the room of requirement we knew we would be alone there.

"Is- is she okay" Draco stuttered still shaken up.

"Of course not we possessed the poor girl she's lucky to be alive" I spat.

"Okay our plan failed......badly but we'll figure it out." He replied.

"I'll try more spells" I said going over to the cabinet.

Opening the last book I began going through them I got half way through when Draco and I swapped jobs and he ended up finishing that book too. Throwing it on the floor making me jump he had his hands on his head mumbling to himself.

"Are you coming" he yelled walking away

"Didn't know we were going anywhere" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Sorry I shouldn't get mad" Draco apologised stroking my hand.

"It's fine I get how frustrating it is" i acknowledged.

We went to the library and found some more books. We were both tired from working on it for the past few weeks and decided to spend time in class instead.

We still studied the books every night and came up with ways to kill Dumbledore. I spent free time hanging out with the twins pulling pranks and acting as if everything we fine.

15th December,

"We have only found seven spells that could work" Draco said in a huff.

"Listen over the holidays we can keep looking but I had an idea."

"What is it" he asked.

"Slughorn Christmas party is in 5days giving us enough time to poison a present and it would be given to Dumbledore" I explained.

"So were going to leave a present at the party with Dumbledores name on it and let slughorn give it too him" Draco said trying to work it out.

"It's not the best plan but at least it can't go wrong" I mentioned thinking about the Katie bell incident.

Both agreeing we set up roles I'll buy the mead and Draco will poison it on the night.

I did what I had to do and bought it in time for the party. Draco had been searching for poison and when he found it we both knew it was time. This one was bound to work and there was no turning back once the poison was in.

"Ready" Draco asked.

"Ready" I replied.

It was time. We were ready.

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