Chapter sixteen

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It had been three days the only being given water twice a day my body felt as if it was shutting down I couldn't move the hunger was eating away at me.
We were losing all hope we didn't want to fight anymore my happiness had almost completely gone the only thing left was Laura, but watching her suffer hurt I wanted her to go home but she refused as she didn't want to be alone or leave me. I cried every time she fell asleep hugging me her cold frail body in my arms as we starved. I don't know how much longer I could handle it I had been thrown down here a lot over the past years,but that was only for two days and this time I had Laura to worry about.

The door opened again I hoped it was father letting us out but once again the elf came with some water.

"What time is it" i asked the elf.

"9pm" the elf replied before walking out.

I sat back down banging my head against the wall I opened the bottle of water slowly sipping it knowing it had to last me all night. Last time I finished all mine Laura gave me some of hers but I couldn't keep drinking hers.

"Has the elf came yet" Laura said slowly waking up.

"Yeah" I said handing her a bottle.

"How long can a person survive with out food" Laura asked.

"I don't know" I replied my stomach growling.

"They have to let us out before the meeting next week" Laura stated.

"They could always throw us back in here after" I grunted.

We both fell silent as the thought sunk in, both staring at the wall blankly.

"Draco can I ask you something" Laura whispered.

"Anything" I replied.

"Do you ever have flash backs to the day we got the mark" she asked

"All the time" I answered.

"Will they ever go away" Laura questioned

"I hope so love" I said kissing her forehead.

Once gain we both tried to go to sleep our weak bodies clinging on to any energy it could.

We entered the fourth day when we woke there was water waiting for us. Not knowing when we'll be let out killed us if only we could count down until we were free. We could hear my parents talking upstairs but no one came. I always wondered what it would be like to grow up with loving parents, I was always so jealous of the weasleys they hadn't got much but they always had each other.

The elf returned that night with more water we both thanked him this time and the elf even gave a little smile.

The fifth day past, and the sixth, on the seventh we got angry banging on the door begging to be let out but no one came. How could they leave their own child locked up for this long?

On her eighth our bodies had almost given up we were light headed, our hands shaky and unable to move crying out for someone to let us out.

That night the door came open father stood at the top of the stairs I woke Laura up as father left leaving the door open for us. I managed to stand up with out passing out and helped Laura to her feet, we climbed up the stairs into the warm house almost forgetting it was summer.

We went straight into the kitchen grabbing whatever we could to eat and headed to the roof for freedom we were tired of being locked up like animals in the zoo. I made sandwiches and croissants we had chocolate, crisps, Laura had found some fizzy drinks as we didn't fancy water again. Both of us looked out over the side the breeze in our hair and food in our stomach we felt free again we were no longer prisoners.

"Do I look as bad as you do" I smirked trying to lighten the mood.

"Worse" Laura laughed

"Ouch that hurt" I joked.

"Is it bad I want to free all animals from zoos" Laura smiled.

"I thought the same thing when we done there" I replied.

"We still aren't free are we" Laura said.

"As long as we have this mark no" I answered truthfully.

"Can I tell you fully why I shifted here" Laura asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"My parents are always shouting at me I'm never good enough, my Nan thinks my sister is the best thing in the world and I should be like her, I hate school and my friends don't understand me, my parents gave up on me when I became depressed.
I knew coming here would be the best decision and it was I belong here, free from them suffocating me with things I could do better." Laura explained.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea" I uttered.

"I don't want to go back I like it here,I like being with you" Laura told me.

"Im glad your here I couldn't do this alone" I smiled taking her hand in mine.

After a few hours we decided to go inside we put all of the left overs and plates in the kitchen. We blanked my parents and went straight up stairs.

"The meeting had been moved to tomorrow so be ready" mother shouted after us.

We closed the door I made sure it was locked this time I sorted out my room whilst Laura had a shower when she came out I took her place preparing for tomorrow's meeting.

The warm water on my back as i scrubbed the dirt off. When I came out I put joggers on and left my top off putting my towel over my shoulder I walked into the bedroom Laura was sitting in the window looking at the Forrest. I could feel her watching me as I put my clothes away I turned around to see her eyes fixed on me. She turned away quickly hoping I wouldn't notice.

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