Chapter four

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I went down to the common room to see Draco waiting for me.

"Do you know your way around" he asked.

"The only class I don't know is transfiguration" i replied.

"I'll take you to transfiguration what do you have before that" Draco said.

"Muggle studies" I told him putting my books in my bag.

"Pure filth they are" he sneered
"Anyway I'll meet you outside of muggle studies and take you to transfiguration we have it together anyway" he said walking out of the common room.

He seemed to be in a rush but I didn't ask where he was going. I left the common room Fred and George jumping out at me making me drop my bag.

They high fived each other both in hysterics.

"You are so annoying" I shouted punching George's arm.

Walking either side of me Fred and George pushed me into one another I felt like a bat and ball.

"What are we doing today" they asked.

"Isn't that your job" I questioned.

"It's our job" George revealed.

"We can decide at lunch I need time to think" I laughed.

"Where are you going" they shouted after me.

"Class" I replied

"We'll walk with you" Fred bellowed behind me.

"Ready Fred"

"Ready George" they said running up to me and putting me on their shoulders.

"Put me down" I shouted as thy ran through the corridor with me.

They got to my class and finally released me.
"I hate you so Much" I laughed walking into the classroom.

I took my seat next to Draco and zabini Goyle was probably skipping again he hated charms class.
We handed in our essays and began learning some new charms. No one could hear us at the back so we Draco and zabini were messing around for the whole lesson.

It was finally lunch I had asked the golden trio to help me find Fred and George. We searched everywhere for them but couldn't see them until we heard shouting coming from the courtyard. George and Fred where playing with fireworks again passing it to one another with their wands.

"Pass to me" I said holding up my wand.

We threw it back and forth until Umbridge came out.

"You three come with me" she shouted.

The boys put their arms on my shoulder whispering  into my ear. "Follow our lead"

Umbridge sat us down at a desk in her office having ago at us for our disobedience we felt like dogs.

"Someone explain why you were breaking my rules." Umbridge yelled.

"Your rules don't apply it's Dumbledores school" Fred replied.

"The news hasn't reached you yet I guess" umbridge giggled.

"Dumbledore has been banished from the school I'm in charge now" she continued.

We all looked at each other in shock not believing what we just heard.

"I want you to write I must follow rules" umbridge said giving us quills.

"How many times" Fred asked

"Until it sinks it" she giggled.

"You didn't give us ink" George stated.

"You won't need any" she grinned.

We began writing when we reached the end of the first word my hand began burning Fred and George looked at each other then looked at me. We continued writing and the burning was growing more intense. At the end of the first line we looked down at our cut skin with the words 'I must follow rules' carved on our hands. Umbridge dismissed us when she saw the blood running down our hands.

"You okay Laura" the boys said passing me a tissue.

"Not really but I'll be fine when it stops burning, what about you" I replied.

"We can handle it" Fred smiled

"Speak for yourself, my hand feels like it's about to fall off" George laughed.

Lunch was coming to an end we went to our classes, I went into potions hiding my hand in my sleeve so no one saw. I took my seat next to Draco listening to snape shout instructions we got everything prepared for the potion and began reading the instructions.

"Can you pass me the unicorn hair" I asked

"Get it yourself I'm reading" he smirked.

I was so busy being annoyed at Malfoy I forgot about my hand as I reached for the unicorn hair exposing my cut skin that was still bleeding slightly.

"What the hell happened to you" Draco shouted making the class stare.

"Keep your voice down" I whispered angrily.

"What happened" Draco whispered inspecting my hand.

"Umbridge punished us" I replied.

"What for" Draco spat

"Read my hand" I scoffed

"Who was with you" Draco asked

"Fred and George" I admitted.

"Why weren't you following rules" Draco said looking concerned about what we were doing.

"Eww Draco no, we were just playing with fireworks" I laughed.

"Why didn't Dumbledore punish you" he asked.

"Didn't you hear, Dumbledore's been banished from school" I explained.

"Get on with the work" snape hissed at us.

We finished the potion and it actually went well unlike last time.

Once finished with potions and muggle studies Draco took me to transfiguration class. I sat down at an empty desk expecting Draco to sit with Blaise and Goyle but he didn't he came and joined me.

"Fred and George asked us to check on you are you alright we heard what happened" Hermione asked.

"She's fine" Draco snapped.

"I'm alright thank you" I smiled and rolling my eyes at Malfoy.

"See she's fine you can leave mudblood" Draco smirked.

"Leave her alone Draco" I snapped.

Draco sat in silence the whole lesson occasionally looking down at my hand.

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