Chapter thirty-seven

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Walking through the corridors turned my stomach there was barely any light it felt eerie and cold. The great hall no longer had the cool ceiling leaving everyone in a miserable huff.  I decided to take Laura to our room to save us getting more upset by the changes. Luckily the common room was the same our dorm was large and had a double bed, we filled our wardrobes up and placed mini Malfoy on the bed.

Taking her hand in mind I kissed her knuckles softly as as she sat next to me on the bed we both took a good look around. We had a desk in the bedroom a place to put our muggle contraption also known as a tv.  We spent the evening in our room Laura wrote a letter to the Weasleys telling them what it was like here. Fred and George graduated last year so they got off easy we only had one year left, but Laura did. feel bad as Ginny had two left and it was our fault the school was like this.

When the morning came I had to wake Laura although I felt bad it had been the first time she had slept through the night in months. I gently shook her awake she rolled over to face me her tired eyes barely open.

"We need to get up" I smiled moving her hair from her face.

Laura grumbled some words but I didn't quite hear what they were. She slipped out of bed telling me to stand up we pulled the duvet over trying to make the bed neat. We pulled our clothes from the wardrobe and began to get changed our tired bodies moving slowly. I collected our books loading both our bags preparing ourselves to go to the great hall.

At breakfast we sat awkwardly next to some first years who knew who we were. Everyone thought we were the ones who killed Dumbledore that night, snape had done a lot for us and we weren't going to tell everyone he did it. We bit ate quickly and scanned our time tables, we had everything together except for transfiguration Laura said she'd be fine by herself for one hour. For most of the day we sat quietly in the back of the class avoiding everyone's evil glares.

I walked Laura to transfiguration class where she hugged me extremely tight before leaving. I went to my class sulking at her absence. I saw zabini walk in to Laura's class smirking. I tried to ignore him and took my seat alone in the back but I couldn't help but wonder what zabini was saying to Laura.

Before long there was a knock on the door.

"Draco is needed with professor snape" a feminine voice announced.

I grabbed my things and went to the door Laura stood there She looked as though she had been crying. Taking her down the corridor I asked what happened.

"Being with out you on the first day was harder than I thought so I asked to go to the bathroom as I was about to leave zabini said he-" she trailed off.

"What did he say" I asked.

"He said... don't believe her miss she's probably going to kill someone again.....the whole class laughed as I left I'm never going back" she told me.

"I'm going to kill him" I ranted the anger filling up inside me.

"Draco please not now Can we go to the lake" she asked.

"Of course" I replied letting her lead the way.

At the lake we sat down Laura crying in to me "I don't want to be seen as a murderer"  her sobs soaked my top but I loved her too much to care.

"Me either" I whispered trying to get rid of the lump in my throat.

I searched her bag for a book I found the one we got at the fair and began reading it too her. Cuddling into me she stopped crying listening to the story. After a while we could see people spilling out of the corridors as classes came to an end. No one came over to the lake leaving us alone and even if they did come over they would soon leave after seeing us. We had almost finished the book so we decided to stop before and go for dinner. After what zabini had said to Laura in class everyone was looking at us as we walked in.

"How's you know who" someone shouted.

We looked at snape who stopped in his tracks at the remark towards Laura and I.

"Your comments will not be necessary, come with me" snape sneered.

I got our food and sat down glaring at everyone who looked at us their eye full of hate as they judged us. Zabini strolled over to us smirking as usual whispering "murderers" as he went past. I got us with out knowing I did before I knew it he was pinned up against the wall I punched him until his nose exploded blood everywhere I punched his face so hard his eye already began to swell. Laura pulled me off of him in fear, I had been so angry I didn't even know what I was doing the adrenaline took over I couldn't hear over the loud drumming in my ears.

"Draco, stop" Laura cried but to me it was all muffled. She pulled me off, zabini dropped to the floor she dragged me out heading for our room. I could tell I had scared her she probably thought I was going to kill him. Her silence was enough of a warning for me to know she was scared of me.

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