Chapter forty-five

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It was time to go back to Draco I had been here for four days and needed to get back to him. He needed me and I needed him Draco was my only cure to stop the flashbacks and he was the only person who understood the pain of the dark mark.

"Goodbye Georgie I promise I'll be back soon and remember to laugh and prank people." I smiled hugging him goodbye.

"I will only if you promise to stop blaming yourself for it all......... promise" he smiled.

"I promise" I laughed.

"Please write we would love to hear from you and come back soon we miss you so very much" molly said pinching my cheeks.

"I will I promise" I said hugging everyone good bye.

When I arrived at the manor I knocked on the door, Lucius opened it glaring at me.

"What" he spat.

"I'm here to see Draco" I responded trying to stay calm.

"He's not here" Lucius sneered.

"Then I'll wait either inside or out I don't mind" I answered.

"Oh Lucius let her in" narcissa snapped opening the door so I could come inside.

"He's in his room" she smiled.

"Thank you" I replied walking upstairs.

I opened his door revealing a tired Draco sleeping. I sat next to him moving his hair from his face his eyes were red and puffy i could tell he hadn't been coping well. When he finally woke up he jumped back not expecting anyone to be here. He sat up and grabbed my face I kissed him I had missed him a lot more then he would ever know.

"How are you" he asked.

"I'm okay" I smiled.

"No your not" he stated tucking my hair behind my ear.

"How are you" I asked.

"I'm good" Draco answered.

"No your not" I smiled.

"Your right neither of us are" he replied.

"George and I got drunk" I told him.

"Let me guess you tried to numb the pain" Draco laughed. "Yeah I've been doing that too lately" His smile fading.

"It's a good release" I smirked.

"I'm glad your here and everything but I wish you had come tomorrow" Draco said.

"Why what's going on" I asked.

"Death eaters still want to come here for a party and it's tonight" he explained.

"That's fine it just means we have easy access to the alcohol" I laughed.

"Im glad your back" he smiled.

"I'm glad I'm back too" I replied.

That night we went down to the kitchen grabbing bottles of fire whiskey and chocolate liqueur. We a few bottles down stairs usually we were happy when we were drunk but this time our mood darkened revealing our true emotions. We couldn't stop drinking as soon as one bottle was done we started on the next. We took a bag of them upstairs and sat leaning against the bed.

"You know every time I close my eyes I see everything that scares me" Draco told me.

"Me too Draco" I revealed finishing another bottle.

"Let's take a shot for every statement we relate to" I suggested.

"Okay, I wake up sweating as the flashbacks get more intense" Draco said.

We both took a shot.

"Blame yourself for becoming a death eater" I smiled sarcastically.

Once again we took another one.
We had another few rounds before the questions became serious.

"Think that you should have died when you was presented with the opportunity" Draco announced.

We took the shot and looked at each other.

"Wish you Fred hadn't pushed you out the way" I continued.

I took a shot and Draco took one.

"I wish I had taken bellatrix place" Draco said.

We had finished all the drinks and decided to go down stairs for more we sat on the crates so we could take a drink when ever we wanted to. We had lost count of how much we had drank and both felt extremely sick.

"What are you two doing" Lucius scoffed.

"Drinking our pain away" Draco sneered.

"No your not" Lucius snapped grabbing the bottles form our hands.

"You can't tell us not too, your the reason we're like this locking us up! Making me become a death eater! Making our lives miserable" Draco yelled.

"Lower your tone" Lucius hissed.

"No" I said way to bravely.

"Excuse me" Lucius sneered.

"I said no you messed us up and we need to numb the pain you caused" i said opening another bottle.

"Enough both of you, how do you live with yourselves" Lucius ranted.

"By drinking" I smirked.

I passed a bottle to Draco and he began drinking it ignoring his father.

Lucius dragged narcissa in and began yelling at us again.

"I mean we do deserve it...... then lashing out" narcissa sighed not knowing what to do.

"Go back to the party" narcissa told Lucius.

"We should have died" Draco whispered to me but narcissa managed to hear looking at us in shock.

"The war is over and the dark lords dead you should be having fun again" she said confused.

"I wish we could but it's not possible" I told her.

"What do you mean" she asked taking a seat.

"I mean the flashbacks and trauma it caused and now with out Fred" I explained.

"I'm so sorry you two none of this should have happened" she trailed off in guilt. "Now stop drinking and go to bed"

We did as we were asked and went up stairs our vision blurred and the room spun I managed to make it to the toilet where I threw up Draco held my hair back and passed me a glass of water. We collapsed on the floor feeling dizzy we ended up staying there all night.

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