Chapter six

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We bought a brownie and a milkshake, Hermione told me all about the Yule ball and how she went with victor krum last time.

"What are you doing after the Yule ball" Hermione asked.

"George and Fred invited me to theirs" I replied.

"Wait your coming too" Hermione gasped excitedly.

"Yeah they invited me yesterday" I smiled.

"This is so exciting" Hermione screamed.

We went back to Hogwarts and put our dresses in our dorms counting down the days until the ball.

Two weeks later.......

It was the night of the Yule ball I got changed with Hermione and we did each others hair and makeup when we were ready we walked down the stairs. We both didn't have dates so we went together.

"You clean up nice" Fred smiled

"Thank you" I smiled

We all went in the hall looked amazing the music was perfect and everyone was having fun even

Fred and George danced with their dates to all the slow songs whilst me and Hermione joined all the upbeat songs dancing like crazy.

Fred and George invited me up to dance with them for some songs that their dates refused to dance to. The songs changed to slow songs near the end of the night Hermione's feet ached and Harry and Ron were still dancing.

"Dance with me" Draco said pulling me up from my seat.

"That night in the common room you asked me why I kept asking about Fred and George" Draco started

"Yeah what about it" I said

"I did that to find out if you liked them" Draco replied.

"Why would you care" I asked.

"Don't you understand" Draco answered.

"No" I replied

"I like you Laura you're all I think about" Draco admitted.

"I like you too Draco" I replied putting my arms around him.

"I got you something" he said giving me a neatly wrapped parcel with a letter. You can't open it until tomorrow when your at The weasleys.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"By the way you look stunning" Draco smirked continuing to dance with me one of his hands on my waste and the other in mine.

At the end of the song i returned to Fred and George who were sniggering to each other.

"How was your dance" Fred smiled.

"Eventful" I said blushing.

"Leave her alone" Hermione laughed walking me back to my common room.

"You know we all hate Malfoy" Hermione said

"I know you go on about it enough " I replied.

"We all just want you to be happy even if that means you date Malfoy" Hermione smiled

"Thanks Hermione, goodnight" I said giving her a hug and going into the common room.

I went upstairs to my dorm and started to get dressed my feet ached and I couldn't stop smiling over what Draco had told me. I held the present in my hand wondering what it was but I stuck to Malfoy orders and wouldn't open it until tomorrow night.

The next morning i woke up slowly get out of bed and loaded my trunk. I wondered down to the common room where Draco sat on the sofa his trunk besides him.

"You can join me you know" he smirked

"Nah, I'm going to go for breakfast you coming" I offered heading for the door.

Draco accepted my offer and we set off to the great hall.

"Boo" Fred and George jumped out behind us laughing their heads off.

"What was that for" I laughed.

"Do we need a reason" Fred asked.

"I guess not" George replied.

"I'll go get you some food" Draco said walking off awkwardly.

Fred and George gave him a small smile trying to make an effort with him for my sake.

"You should probably go get your lover man" George said.

"I'll meet you after breakfast" I replied walking off.

I sat with Draco who had got me some toast and eggs it was the first time we had ever sat together talking at breakfast but luckily we found a few things to talk about.

When we had finished eating we went back to the common room to get our trunks Draco went off with zabini and I went to find the twins.

"Oiiiiiiii" Fred shouted down an empty corridor.

I ran over to them knowing they had something planned.

"How fast are you feeling today" Fred asked.

"Not very why" I answered.

"George if you will" Fred said with a smile.

George stood me on a raised ledge where I climbed on to his back he gave me a piggy back ride all the way to filchs office Fred went off in to the office whilst George and i looked out for Filch.

"What did you do" I asked.

"We put laxatives in his and mrs Norris's drink" George laughed.

"How long do they take to work" I asked

"A few seconds after you take a drink" Fred said reappearing.

"Let's go"
we waited around the corner acting normal when filch came back he went into his office. A few minutes later we heard a few shrieks and groans filch ran out his office as fast as he could heading for the toilets.

"Your three are in big trouble" filch shouted watching as we all laughed.

"He won't do anything he has to go to the toilet first" George laughed.

"No but I will" snape called from behind us.

Fred began to run Causing George to follow I was still on his back being thrown around corners as snape came after us.

Once we escaped it was time to go, we picked up our trunks and walked to the train.

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