Chapter fourteen

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I laid awake all night stroking the mark on Laura's arm blaming myself every second.

Why us?
What did we do to deserve this?
How did everything get so messed up?

The world seemed so much louder now, we felt like prisoners tied down by a stupid mark. A stupid mark that could ruin everything mainly for Laura she shifted here to get away from everything she wanted to be free and now she's in this mess.

I never wanted to let go off her. I couldn't bare to see anything happen to her again. I would do everything in my power to protect her.

"Draco are you awake" Laura whispered

"Yeah I'm awake" I replied

"I feel like I should tell The twins so they don't have to find out from someone else" Laura said.

"If you think that will be better" I answered.

"Can we go to their shop today I want to get it over and done with" Laura sobbed.

"Of course anything you want" I said kissing her head.

It was 6am so we decided to get up we had been laying in bed since 2pm yesterday.

We got dressed neither of us wanted anything to eat I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth Laura was stood staring at the mark in the mirror. I hugged her from behind and wiped away her tears sitting her on the bathroom cabinets whilst I brushed my teeth. Her bright blue eyes glistening, her brunette hair tied neatly in a pony tail and one of my long sleeves shirts tucked into her skirt. Laura didn't have any long sleeve tops so I gave her one of mine it drowned her a bit but it was better than walking around with the mark on show.

"Are you ready" I asked helping her down.

"As ready as I ever will be" Laura smiled.

We set off to see Fred and George buying Laura some long sleeved tops along the way it wasn't how we planned on spending the summer but we couldn't change it.

We entered the shop fireworks everywhere and things flying the crazy shop made us both smile. Laura ran over to Fred and George I could see her holding back tears as she said hi.

"You can come in Draco" George smiled welcoming me in.

"The shops cool" I smiled making an effort for Laura's sake.

Laura held on to my hand shaking trying pluck up the courage to tell them.

"I need to talk to you" Laura shook tears ran down her cheek as she looked into their eyes.

We sat down on the stairs and Laura began to explain.

"Draco's parents forced him to become a death eater he would have been killed if he had said no" Laura began.

"You know who saw me on the stairs and wanted me to join him I didn't have a choice I had to agree" she said putting her head on my shoulder as she cried.

"Laura I'm so sorry"  George replied shocked by it all.

"What happens now" Fred asked.

"We don't know we don't get told anything and when we do we don't get a say in it" I answered.

"I wanted to tell you before you find out from someone else" Laura said  

"Thank you" the twins replied.

"But you being a death eater puts Harry in danger and you know our family has to protect Him" Fred reminded me.

"What are you saying" Laura asked

"I think you should give them all space and stay with Draco" Fred continued.

"Just them or you too" Laura scoffed. I

The silence gave us the answer we dreaded.

"George please" Laura begged trying not to cry again.

"Only for a while just remember that we will always love you." George replied.

"We're leaving I guess we'll see you when your safe from us" Laura ranted.

I followed her out of the shop where she put her head into my chest trying to disappear from this world. I held her upright as her legs tried to cave in I took her into a cafe instead of going home. I went up to the counter and ordered two teas I glanced up at Laura whilst I waited she had stopped crying and was sitting looking exhausted in the chair.

"Thanks" Laura said as I put the teas down.

"How do you feel now" I smiled.

"Fine, I don't need them if they can get rid of me that easily then I clearly didn't mean much to them" Laura retorted.

"Things will change again soon" I replied.

We sat making a small conversation blocking out the thoughts of the dark lord. On the way home we walked down muggle streets most of them smiling or saying hello. We would usually be fine with it but working for someone who wants kills them made us both feel queasy.

We entered the house to find death eaters everywhere all of them talking and drinking.

"What's going on" I asked my parents.

"Can't you see it's a party" Lucius sneered

"Why" I asked

"We're celebrating" Lucius answered.

"We're going upstairs" I replied trying to pull Laura through the crowd.

"No your not everyone wants to meet you both you shall stay." Lucius snapped dragging us back.

He awkwardly introduced us to everyone leaving us to talk to the drunk death eaters. We both excused ourselves after 10minutes and went into the kitchen.

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