Chapter twenty-eight

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"Laura, Laura, Laura" Draco whispered kicking me.

"What do you want" i groaned pulling the covers over my head.

"I wanna go out" Draco begged.

"We do go out" I laughed.

"I know that I meant for breakfast" Draco said jointing me under the duvet.

I looked into his soppy eyes as he begged me.

"Where we going then" I smiled.

"YAY" he beamed.

"What's got into you" I laughed.

"I'm free from tasks and get to spend time with my girlfriend" Draco grinned passing me his jumper.

"Pyjama day again" i asked.

"Of course" he tutted playfully.

We went down stairs and was greeted by his parents remembering some things that went on last night we knew it might not be good.

"Where are you two off too" narcissa asked with a slight smile.

"We were going out for breakfast" Draco answered.

"No your not we want you here today" Lucius sneered.

"They can go out for a few hours we don't need them here for anything" narcissa said letting us go.

"Thank you" I smiled following Draco out the door.

Draco gave me a piggy back ride all the way to the cafe. Draco ordered a surprise breakfast for us to share meaning it was more than likely to be a lot of food.

"You know the last time we came here we went to the fair and you won mini Malfoy" I smiled remembering back.

"He became a part of us" Draco smirked.

"I'll never let him go" I told him.

"what about when you go home" Draco asked.

"This is my home the other place isn't I want to stay here forever" I replied.

"I wish I had a chance to talk to Dumbledore about it all he said we would talk later in the year but that was before all of this" I added.

"Snape might know the answers or Mcgonagall ." Draco responded.

The waitress brought the food over two trays full of food. Pancakes and waffles on one tray, donuts and milkshakes on the other.

"Draco" I said staring at it all in shock.

"Hope your hungry" he smirked starting to pick up a waffle.

I took my milkshake and a pancake still in disbelief I had no idea he would get all of this.

"We should make an effort with your mother she was nice today and she got snape to protect us" I said.

"Yeah she stood up to father for once I was impressed and didn't get mad about us getting drunk" Draco replied.

"Do you think she likes me yet" I asked.

"I think she does now" he answered.

"I hope so I wish I got on with them" I smiled.

"My father will take a while but he might one day" Draco laughed.

We had been In the cafe trying to make our way through the food for an hour and half taking breaks in between. I got to the point where I couldn't move we only had three pancakes, two waffles and half a donut left that I had given up on.

"Ready to go" Draco asked.

"Only if we walk slowly" I giggled holding my stomach.

Walking home we went past a pond full of ducks the December breeze ran through our hair giving us chills. Draco wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

Arriving home narcissa welcomed us with a warm smile.

We spent the rest of the holiday in the Forrest and on the swing. School came around quickly and we hadn't heard anything about Dumbledore which scared us. The morning we left for Hogwarts we packed our trunks and walked to the station I said hi to Fred and George who were luckily pleased to see me.

Draco and I looked everywhere for a seat but couldn't find one so we went in to the Slytherin compartment the only spare seats with pansy and Blaise. Unimpressed Draco let me slide across to the window pansy was glaring at me but flirting with Draco.

"I love your eyes I bet SHE hasn't told you how nice they are has she" pansy said.

Trying my best not to laugh at how ridiculous she sounded I kept looking out the window.

"She has a name.... and yes LAURA has told me" Draco spat.

"But I bet it's better hearing it from me" she giggled.

"Listen I get your a bitch and thinks everyone loves you but Draco has no interest in you and would rather you keep your trap shut for the rest of the journey" I snapped.

"Oooo someone's touchy" pansy sneered.

"Go get your own boyfriend" I spat.

Draco laughed and pulled me closer to him making pansy sulk and talk to zabini.

There was an explosion of black smoke making everyone start panicking. Draco and zabini stood up trying to find out what it was pansy told them to sit down but Draco refused to until I told him.

"It was probably just a first year messing around" pansy said.

Draco spent the rest of the journey on edge looking up at the ceiling. When we arrived he let me out and told me to meet him outside he'll be out in a second. I agreed and waited outside taking both his and my trunk with me. We had to have our bags searched at the gate which took forever luckily Draco came back in time for his being searched. Filch tried taking things off of us but snape sorted it out and set us free.

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