Chapter twenty-five

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Anger boiled inside of me as i saw how upset Laura was when mini Malfoy was taken he was a part of us and Blaise and Goyle had stolen it and been in Laura's room.

I stormed out going to their class we waited outside until they came out.

"Well well well you two have been busy.... snooping through my girlfriends things and taking something from her." I began my blood boiling.

"I don't know what you mean" zabini replied

"The bear" I spat as Laura held the bear up to him.

"It's just a stupid old bear" Goyle laughed.

"Too you yes but too us no and don't you dare go through her room again or I'll-" I began before being cut off by snape.

"You won't do anything I heard what this is about and you're out of line Malfoy" snape started.

Laura whispered something in snapes ear his face changed from moody to angry I thought we would be in even more trouble.

"You two come with me NOW" snape shouted.

"Us" zabini and Goyle scoffed.

"Hurry up, and you two get on with what your supposed to be doing" snape yelled.

We went to the room of requirements and got out the books and opened the cabinet.

"What did you say to snape" I asked.

" I said imagine if you gave Lily something and James stole it from her , you'd do the same thing" Laura replied.

"Who's that" I said confused.

"Lily and James potter, you know snape loved well loves Lily right" Laura laughed.

"Really, potters mother" I said taken back by it.

"Yeah Harry told me" Laura replied.

"Well, well done it worked and we got mini Malfoy back" I smiled.

I knelt down on the floor looking into the vanishing cabinet Laura giving me spells to try but after about 20 we were starting to give up and we still had books to get through.

"I'm hungry do you want me to get you something" Laura asked.

"You can eat with Fred and George if you want and just bring me something on the way back" I replied.

"You sure" Laura questioned

"Yeah go have some fun I'm just going to do more spells" I smiled.

"Okay I'll be back soon" she said.

I attempted many spells still nothing worked I couldn't seem to get anywhere with them I kept going and going until I completed book one. I stood up my back hurt and my legs were dead when I stretched every bone in my body cracked.

It had almost been an hour since Laura went for lunch and all I hoped was she was having fun for once. I was looking around the room piled with old dusty things thinking about everything.

Laura came back with food smiling and told me about what she had been doing with George and Fred. After a while of talking we got back to work starting the second book.

"What if we didn't actually kill Dumbledore" Laura said.

"What are you on about we have to" I replied.

"Well yes we do kill him but in a way we don't use the killing curse" Laura tried explaining.

"I'm confused how are we supposed to kill him then" I asked

" a curse! We could curse something and give it to someone to give Dumbledore." Laura said.

"Or poison his drink or yeah what you said a smarter" I answered thinking about it. 

"I mean neither of us want to use the unforgivable curse and this could be the only way" she added.

"Come up with ideas it's only the beginning of October so we have a while" I said going back to the spells.

Laura began writing ideas down in the back of her book mean while I tried to figure out the spells.

"Draco you've been doing that all day you write ideas down and I'll have a try" Laura offered.

"Sure my backs killing me" I complained.

I read through Laura's list circling the ones that might work and crossing the ones that wouldn't off. We narrowed it down to six and when it got closer to the time we would figure it out.

None of the spells had worked so far and every other day we would search the library. Laura searched for curses whilst I searched for spells to fix the cabinet.

That night in the common room we discussed our plans we decided to curse a necklace and give it to someone on the hogsmeade visit to give to Dumbledore. That way we aren't suspicious and we would never have to use the spell.

Laura stayed up all night looking for a curse I fell asleep on the sofa and she would kick me every time she found something that might work. Most of the time it was useless but then we found it the perfect curse. We both went up to bed and agreed to finish it in the morning. I managed to sleep for a few hours but was woken up by the visions of Dumbledore and everything he's done for me in the past. I laid there until it was time to get up Laura was in the corridor messing around with Fred and George until I came out. Laura said she would meet them in half an hour in the great hall ready to go to hogsmeade. Giving us enough time to curse the necklace.

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