Chapter eleven

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We were all released and ran behind the rocks protecting ourselves from the death eaters.
As we all hid Harry and Sirius fort Lucius managing to get rid of him there was a few seconds of silence before the worst happened.

"Avada kedavra" Bellatrix shouted the unforgivable curse on Sirius.

Everything was quiet as we realised what happened  Sirius was taken from this world leaving Harry behind. Lupin grabbed hold of Harry who cried out for Sirius a lump appeared in my throat it grew bigger and bigger as tears dripped down our faces. Bellatrix laughed and went into back in to the ministry, Harry broke free from lupin running after her.

"I killed Sirius black" bellatrix sang.

We were all told to stay where we were by mad eye moody and tonks. All we could hear was spells and what sounded like Dumbledore, the place went quiet again and we all ran in Harry was collapsed on the floor screaming in pain. He looked like he was being possessed Dumbledore sat next to Harry helping him. Tears filled my eyes as Harry rolled over in pain his eyes bulged and his head twisted I felt helpless as we watched.

Harry looked at us he was talking to the dark lord telling us he was the weak one and how he doesn't know what it's like to love and have friends. A part of Voldemort ripped out of Harry's chest leaving him lying on the floor we were safe again at least for the moment. We were all escorted back to school where we had to act like everything was normal. I went back to the common room it was late and everyone was in bed except for Draco who was waiting up for me.

" what happened" Draco asked.

"Your father showed up" I said sitting on the sofa next to him.

"My father! What did he do this time" Draco questioned.

" he wanted the prophecy, you know who returned, Sirius was killed, we were captured by death eaters, we were almost killed by death eaters, and I cast a spell on your father so I'm never going to your house" I explained.

"Well that's too bad because your coming to mine for the summer" Draco announced.

"I can't I sent your father flying through the air I don't think he'll allow me anywhere near you let alone his house." I complained.

"Listen I'm sure he won't remember that and please it will be our chance to actually be a couple the last few months we had to keep it a secret." Draco begged.

"Fine but if he remembers me I'm outta there and I'm not being alone in that house for one second" I replied.

It was only three days until summer Harry would have to stay at the Dursley's , Hermione would either be at home or the weasleys and I would be at Draco's. I loved the idea of spending the summer with Draco I just didn't want to spend it with the man I attacked.

The next few days I spent with Draco hanging out around school we didn't have any classes and could do anything we wanted. We spent a lot of time at the lake no one went down there so Draco and I laid there whilst he read to me. We stayed up late in the astronomy tower star gazing we made plans for what we would do in the holidays and he reassured me by saying his parents weren't usually home during the day.

On the train I was sitting with Draco and pansy she was completely ignoring me and flirting with Draco. I excused my self and went to find Harry.

"How are you" I asked.

"Better now thank you" Harry replied.

"I'm glad" I smiled.

"I heard your staying with Malfoy" Ron said.

"Yeah it won't be awkward at all, but if I overhear anything that might help you I will send you a letter" I replied.

"Just be careful Lucius won't be impressed when he remembers you" Hermione added.

" Fred and George will be at the station they wanted to see you before you went they will be back at school after summer" Ron smiled.

"Good I'll go see them when we get there, and don't blame Draco for things his parents do" I said leaving the compartment.

When I got back to Draco pansy was still flirting playing with her hair.

"Go get your own boyfriend" I sneered sitting back down.

"I didn't even do anything" pansy said embarrassed that I had called her out.

Draco put his arm around me and we watched as pansy's expression changed from innocent to angry.
We both tried not to laugh as she sulked in the chair.

When we arrived Draco grabbed my trunk whilst I went to see Fred and George.

"There she is" George smiled

"We missed you shorty" Fred said hugging me.

"I missed you guys it's been boring with out your pranks" I laughed.

"We opened a joke shop!" The twins said excitedly.

"Omg that's so cool" I beamed.

"You should come and visit in the summer" George smiled.

"Yes I will" I replied.

"Now I heard your staying with the Malfoy's, Draco has an attitude but he's not bad it's his father I'm warning you about" molly said hugging me tight.

"Yes I hope he's forgiven me for casting a spell on him" I laughed

"I hope so too but you are always welcome at ours if things go wrong" molly replied.

"I should go but I will write soon" I smiled hugging everyone goodbye.

Draco and I started walking to the manor my heart pounding as we reached the gate.

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