12. FIN

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For a moment, Josephine thought there was an earthquake until she felt hands on her shoulder.

She grudgingly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

She looked with slightly blurry vision at her brother, Harrison. She narrowed her eyes and pouted.

He gave her a small smile and said, "Dinner is ready. Come downstairs."

Then he walked out, closing her door behind him.

Theo said he would get her for dinner but she didn't mind another brother talking to her. She was happy, in fact. It gave her hope that she could actually have a family, well a blood-related one, seeing that some of her friends are like family to her.

She got off her bed and went to freshen up, before going downstairs.

She heard her brother talking to each other, which made her kind of sad. They never actually tried to make conversation with her, well, none besides Theodore. There goes her hope of them treating her like family.

She suddenly paused. Fin realized that she hasn't met her father yet. She remembered when she met Vesper and asked about he said he was on a business trip.

'He couldn't be on business for so long without even calling, can he?' She asked herself and then scoffed. He most likely wasn't on any 'business trip', more like Mafia Business. Or maybe he wanted nothing to do with her. The thought has crossed her mind when she looked at her brothers' distance towards her.

It pains her but she will be alright. Fin knows how to cope in any situation. Even if she has never been in one such as this before.

She sat in her chair in the dining room, glancing ever so often at her brothers.

She watched as Theo smacked Harrison over the head and smiled.

The maids came and put food on the table and everyone started eating. Well, besides Josephine.

She suddenly did not feel hungry. She nibbled on a piece of chicken before slightly pushing her plate away.

"Why aren't you eating Josephine?" Hayes asked angrily.

He is always angry, she has noticed.

"I'm not hungry. May I be excused?" She asked.

The brothers looked at each other.

Vesper sighed, "Okay, you may go."

Fin thanked him and practically ran to her room.

She jumped into her bed and snuggled with her pillows.

She almost fell asleep when her phone rang loudly, causing her to groan in annoyance.

"Josephine," she answered sleepily.

"Fin," She heard on the phone.

She immediately sat up.

"I miss you," the voice choked.

Normally Mariam would be cheery but not in this case. She misses her best friend a lot. Even if Mariam goes to college and Josephine is still a teenager, they are very close friends and considers each other as sisters.

"I miss you too, Mariam." Even though they couldn't see each other they knew the other was smiling.

"Adam misses you too. "

"I miss him as well," Fin said and grinned as she thought about how he would react if she told him that she met the Italian Mafia Leader and she likes him. A lot. Adam is very protective over her and he would immediately fly over to her. She knows that he would start an unnecessary fight with the most dangerous man in the world.

Mariam suddenly squealed in excitement, surprising Josephine. "Guess what!" she exclaimed.

"What?" Fin laughed at her friend's eagerness to say something.

"Adam and I are coming to visit you!" She practically shouted.

"Really?" Fin beamed, enthusiastically.

"Mhm," Mariam replied.

Josephine bit her lip to stop herself from yelling in excitement and did a little dance.

She brought her phone back up to her ear after she accidentally dropped it in her happiness, "When?" she asked, her smile never leaving her face.

"In a week," her friend replied before saying, "Listen, I have to go now, Adam needs me for an assignment but we'll talk again soon and I'll see you in a week. I love you, sister."

Josephine replied with the same endearment and hung up the phone.

She placed her phone on her side table before jumping onto her bed and squealing.

She missed Mariam, Adam, Jester and Lex very much. They are the only family she has ever known after all. They loved her, protected her and cared for her. She couldn't be any more grateful for everything they did for her.

Fin wiped away a tear that fell from her eye. She hated her life with her mother but they were the ones who made it tolerable.

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