28. FIN

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I updated! Yay. I would have updated sooner but I was busy with work and I had to get up very early for the past few days. So as soon as I got home I fell asleep, well, after I finished what I had to do, of course.

After Thorne and Fin got home, she went straight to find her eldest brother.

She knocked on his office and entered when he said to come in.

She asked him if she could stay over at her friend's house for the night and he said yes.

So now, at six o'clock in the evening, she was getting ready at the hotel with Mariam to go on the mission.

She groaned frustrated as Mariam forced her to try on yet another dress. Fin hated wearing short dresses, she preferred long pants.

"Oh stop complaining," Mariam sighed, fixing the dress on Josephine.

"Now, don't you look precious," Mariam teased.

Josephine scowled, "I look like a whore."

"A precious whore," Mariam joked.

Fin sighed.

"Let's just get this over with, so I can take this horrendous thing off," She said, pulling at the dress.

Mariam rolled her eyes at her friend.

They finished getting ready at half seven and believe it or not, Adam took longer to get ready than them.

They arrived at the club and made their way to the bar. Adam walked up the staircase so he can see everything from above.

Mariam and Fin went to the bar and sat on the stools. They were young, which was good for the mission as Samhil looks for young girls and thankfully he has never seen either of them before.

They discreetly looked around for him and saw that he was already watching them.

Fin shuddered in disgust and tried to smile at him, however, it turned out like a grimace.

Mariam nudged her shoulder and shook her head.

Fin sighed and closed her eyes.

She straightened her posture and twirled her hair with her finger. She pouted her lips, emitting an innocent façade.

Well, it's not much of a lie, Josephine is still very innocent.

She watched from the corner of her eye and saw him adjust his pants. She covered her face with her hand, acting like she's blushing, when she was actually trying to hide her scowl.

Samhil approached the girls, his eyes never straying from Josephine's. His hand went around the back of the stool, turning her to completely face him.

Fin somehow managed to keep the smile on her face, no matter how much it hurt.

Samhil bent slightly and brought his face to her ear.

"Why don't we go somewhere more private?" He whispered, drawing circles on her waist.

She turned to Mariam and nodded, subtly.

She stood up and he grabbed her ass. Fin bit her lip to stop herself from killing him on the spot.

She placed her hand over his and placed it on her waist. It was better than it being on her butt.

"I know a place," She smirked and fluttered her eyes. Fin grabbed his hand and lead him to the exit from the back of the club.

On her way, she made eye contact with familiar steel eyes. She nearly gasped aloud and cursed in her head. Fin regained her composure and winked at him.

Donatello clenched his fists as he watched his girl walked out of the club from the back with another man, a man that he despised, nonetheless. He pushed back his seat as he stood up angrily and rushed to the exit, ignoring the calls of the men behind him. 

He left the club and looked around to spot them.

He sort of expected to see Samhil groping her, the thought alone disgusted him. But when he found them, it was not what he imagined seeing.

Samhil was on the floor, getting beaten by a man and a woman, while Josephine was standing a few feet away watching emotionlessly. 

Donatello stood there in both shock and relief. He practically ran to her and held her in his arms.

He kissed her roughly and refused to let her go when she tried to pull away from him.

"Hi," She smiled sheepishly when he finally pulled away. He glared angrily at her and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He held her tightly.

Josephine struggled in his arms and demanded that he put her down on the floor. He slapped her behind to stop her from moving and she did, letting him take her where he wanted. Not that she had much of a choice.

He walked to his car and gently placed her on the passenger seat and kissed her softly, running his fingers along her jaw.

His face was close to hers, almost touching when he whispered, "Enjoy sitting comfortably for now, because when we get home, that ass is mine." 

His eyes filled with a dark promise.

'I'm in for it now,' Josephine thought, sinking into the seat.

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