27. FIN

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Fin and her brother, Thorne parked in front of the café where she was meeting her friends. She was slightly nervous because she didn't know if Thorne would recognize Adam as the British Mafia leader.

"Are you going to get out of my car anytime soon?" Thorne asked sardonically.

Fin rolled her eyes and exited the car, slamming the door shut. She gave her brother a tight-lipped smile before going into the café.

She heard him follow her and sighed. 

'He is going to be a pain in my ass today,' She thought bitterly and then groaned.

Josephine looked around for Adam and Mariam. They hadn't arrived yet, so she sat down at a corner table that could fit six people.

"Why don't we sit at a smaller table?" Thorne asked, standing at her side.

She huffed in annoyance and turned to him. "Because I'm waiting on some friends, remember?"

He had a look of realization on his face and sat opposite her.

"When will they be here?" he asked, leaning his face lazily against his palm.

Fin shrugged and looked at the menu. When her friends arrive, they wouldn't be able to talk about what they really wanted because of him. That didn't mean that they had no form of communication. All of them knew sign language.

Fin wanted to help them later, as they have a mission at a club. She didn't know the specific details of the mission, that is why they had to meet up. 

If she had said no to her brother carrying her, he would have made accusations and followed her anyway and Josephine preferred if he was in her sight.

Fin looked up as she heard the sound of the bell above the door, indicating that someone has entered.

She smiled as she saw three familiar faces.

Adam, Mariam and Lex, who she didn't know was going to be there.

It made sense. Even though Lex is in a small gang, the leader actually, he was very good at hacking. So was Josephine but she was going to be on the field.

Lex would be watching over them through surveillance and report to them if he sees anything strange.

She waved to catch their attention and they walked to her.

She stood up and gave each of them a hug, breathing in their familiar scents.

Lex raised his eyebrow and pointed to her brother. "Who is he?"

Fin smiled. "This is Thorne, my older brother."

Thorne didn't seem to know who they were, which was a good thing.

Lex nodded and sat down. The rest followed.

Fin signed, "Tell me about tonight."

Adam and Mariam understood why she was communicating in BSL (British sign language). However, Lex watched them in confusion.

Adam spoke quietly in his ear so that Thorne wouldn't hear. Fin knew that he was explaining to him.

She saw Lex nod. He smiled at her and leaned down, planting a kiss on her cheek, before leaving.

This time Adam signed, "Our target is Samhil Carlos."

She knew who that was. Samhil worked closely with Adam until they found out that he was trafficking women.

One of the things Josephine hated most was human traffickers. She absolutely despises them and has taken down some of the largest operations already.

She was eager to take him down too.

The waitress came and they told her their order.

Fin gave Adam a thumbs up.

"What the hell? Why are you only talking in sign language?" Thorne asked angrily. He huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at his sister and her friends.

They shrugged and continued their silent conversation.

There wasn't much to plan, since they discussed most of it over the phone already.

Fin was excited. She hadn't taken down anyone since she came to New York and she feels useless.

"Don't get too excited, Fin. This is a very short mission that would be over in less than an hour. But after we can actually party," Mariam signed, getting happier as she finished her sentence.

Josephine pouted. Although she liked beating the bad guys and even though sometimes it happens in clubs, she hated partying.

Mariam looked at her sadly and fluttered her eyes.

Fin signed, knowing that she was giving in to her best friend.

"Fine," she groaned out loud, startling her brother. She giggled as she saw him jump up in his seat.

Thorne glowered at her.

'Such a big baby,' she thought.

Mariam cheered, along with Adam.

Josephine was not looking forward to tonight.

Though, it might get better when she receives a little surprise at the club.

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