6. FIN

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A few minutes after Theodore left, Fin fell asleep. The weight of everything had caught up to her and forced her into a deep sleep.

However, even with all the tiredness in the world, she was still a very light sleeper and woke up as soon as she heard her bedroom door crack open.

She rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. When she looked up, she saw a new person, another brother.

Unlike Vesper and Theodore, this brother had cyan eyes, just like her. He was tall, like the other two, give or take a few inches.

His arms were also covered in tattoos, another thing that was the same as Fin.

He just stood there by her door frame, watching her, analyzing her. Maybe determining whether or not she was a threat.

Then finally he said, "Dinner's ready," before walking away.

Fin scoffed out loud. He didn't even tell her, his name.

'How rude,' She thought with narrowed eyes.

He looked around her age though, maybe a year or two older.

'Teenagers,' She shook her head, then climbed off her bed to freshen up.

She bathed and changed her clothes before walking out her door. Her brother should be happy that she remembered her way around from the tour.

She would be lost without it since that jerk just left her.

A few minutes later, Fin found herself standing in front of the dining room and watched as all five of her brothers talk amongst themselves.

Finally, Vesper noticed her and raised his hand, efficiently quieting the table. He gestured to the empty seat to the right of him.

Josephine nodded.

Before she sat down, Fin noticed that the boy who called her for dinner was glaring at her.

For what? She did not know.

She shrugged and sat down, smiling at Theodore as he was grinning from ear to ear.

He was the only one who genuinely looked happy to see her. The others wore an expressionless mask to cover their emotions.

A mask that she was familiar with because she wore one all the time around strangers.

She moved her eyes to each of them but did a double-take when she thought she saw someone twice.

'Twins,' She grinned. Josephine always wanted to be a twin. To have such a powerful connection to someone.

Sadly, that's not possible. At least she has siblings now.

"Hi Josie," Theo said gladly.

"Hello," She replied with the same amount of glee.

Fin saw that the chair at the head of the table was empty and wondered why.

One of the twins noticed what she staring at and said, "That's our father's seat. He is away on business right now."

His voice was deep but at the same time soothing, like he could just talk to her and her worries would disappear.

"My name is Harrison, by the way," He introduced himself and gave her a small smile.

She nodded, "Nice to meet you."

Fin turned to the other twin and raised her eyebrow, waiting for him to tell her, his name.

He grunted but said his name anyway, "Hayes."

Josephine hummed in response.

She looked at her last brother, the one glaring at her, patiently waiting on his name.

He rolled his eyes and scowled at her.

Theo wrapped his arm around his shoulder and smiled, "This here is Thorne. Don't worry, he is like this to everyone."

That's a clear lie. Thorne just doesn't like her. Fin is alright with that though. Not everyone will like her.

"Okay," Replied Fin as Thorne scoffed.

She watched as he is pushed harshly away from the table, knocking Theo's arm off his shoulder. He glowered at her one more time before stomping out of the dining room.

Josephine frowned, looking at his empty seat.

"Please don't take his action to heart. You being here is a big change for him. And all of us. He just needs a little time to get used to you," Harrison said calmly.

Then Theo said, "Yes, he was only three years old when you were taken from us. So he doesn't remember you, unlike us."

Josephine smiled sadly and nodded, "It's okay."

Before she could say anything else, some maids walked into the dining room with platers.

The delicious scent of roast chicken filled the air.

Her stomach growled in hunger, causing her brothers to laugh.

She blushed in embarrassment.

"Eat, then I would like to see you in my office I discuss a few things," Vesper commanded at Fin.

"Alright," She replied, wrinkling her nose a little.

'I wonder what he wants to talk about,' She thought to herself.

Hopefully, it's nothing bad.

She sighed and shook her head.

'I'll deal with that after dinner,' she thought before cutting into the meat and popping a piece in her mouth.

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