22. FIN

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Fin was excited when she got up the next morning because it was the day that Mariam and Adam come to New York. She missed them like crazy and can't wait to spend time with them even if they are only going to stay for a short amount of time. 

However, they are going to arrive late in the evening.

She found out they were only going to stay for three days and besides visiting her, they are going to do a mission. She managed to convince Adam to let her help. He was reluctant at first but then she gave him puppy eyes and he instantly agreed.

They needed to capture a spy.

She went to the dining room for breakfast and saw her brothers already there.

"Good morning, Josephine," Theo chirped enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Theodore," she replied with the same spirit.

"You seem cheery this morning," Thorne grumbled, shooting her a glare.

She wouldn't let his attitude ruin her mood. Not today.

She ignored him and smiled at the maid as she placed down a plate of bacon and pancakes.

She heard a ping from her phone.

"Buongiorno, la mia vita," She read a text from Donatello.

Good morning, my life

She replied, "Morning. How was the dinner with your parents?"

He messaged back in an instant, "F*cking horrible, amata. But, hearing your voice before made it better."


Josephine texted, "Glad to be of service then." She giggled.

Fin jumped when she heard someone speak. "Who are you talking to Josephine?" Hayes asked.

"No one, I'm reading," She said.

She didn't want to tell her brothers that she is seeing someone yet, let alone that the person is their boss.

That is a conversation for later. Plus, she and Donatello weren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet. She pouted. She missed him.

She saw another text from him. "I am leaving for work now, amore. I'll call you later."

She replied with an okay and a thumbs up.

Fin looked up and saw her brothers staring at her.

She raised her eyebrow. They looked away and continued to eat breakfast. 

"Hey, Josie?" Theo started, "I want to show you something after breakfast. It's not in the house though." He seemed nervous.

"Okay," She said and gave him a reassuring smile. She would never be able to say no to him. He has been very welcoming and patient with her. A true brother in her eyes, even though they barely spent time together.

He sighed in relief. "Thank you. Dress comfortably and warm," He instructed.

She nodded.

After breakfast she went to change for her outing with her older brother. She wore her favorite hoodie and high waisted jeans.

She met Theo downstairs and followed him to his car.

He drove for twenty minutes before they arrived at a museum-like building. He gestured for her to follow him inside.

She looked at him in confusion but went along with it anyways.

They entered and Josephine was amazed. The walls were covered in the most beautiful paintings and sculptures she has ever seen.

Theo stood behind her wringing his hand nervously. "So... What do you think?" He asked, his head bowed and not looking into her eyes.

Josephine did something she never thought she would do to any of her siblings. She ran up to Theo and hugged him. He was shocked at first but wrapped his arms around her.

"It's so beautiful. Who made these?" She asked.

"I did," He replied confidently, now knowing that she liked them.

They talked about everything they could think of while walking through the hall. Then he let her wonder on her own, knowing that she needs some peace. He understood her when he barely knew her.

She continued to walk after thanking him for the space and his trust.

Most of the painting were bright and colorful, just like Theodore. However, the further Fin walked down the hall, the darker the painting get.

She knew no one is always happy, they have their down moments. Just like her. She is calm and positive most times but she has her insecurities like everyone else.

Josephine reached the end of the hall and turned around. 

She saw a room she didn't go into. When she pushed open the door, she stood there surprised.

It there was a large portrait of her mother and five little boys. Her brothers. Vesper looked around eight in the painting and her mother looked the happiest Fin has ever seen her.

She smiled sadly. Josephine wished that she had a relationship with her mother. Instead the only time her mother, Sarah talked to her was when she wanted alcohol, food or money.

Fin quietly closed the door and went to the entrance to Theo. He had left her to explore on her own. She was thankful and enjoyed the serenity of the place.

"Are you okay?" Theo asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"More than okay," She answered, smiling up at him.

She would be okay because she knew that she had at least one brother who would be there for her.

She would be okay because she has her friends support.

She would be okay because she has a man who cherished her.

Josephine would be okay and she would make sure that her brother is okay too.

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