45. FIN

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Listen to the song above close to the end.❤

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

One more thing that is unrelated to the book, I need new shows to watch. So, any recommendations? Comment here. --> -->

Thank you. Now on to the chapter😁

Josephine staggered into her house, passed her brothers and went into her room. She closed the door and slid down onto the floor. 

She brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around it.

She heard soft knocking on her door and when she didn't answer, it got louder. She flinched as they continued to bang on the door. 

The memories kept flashing in her mind, affecting her and she hates it. Fin thought she got over the horrors that she went through with Anton but it was only after seeing him again she realized that they still haunted her.

"Josephine, open the door," Theo pleaded.

Donatello and her brothers stood outside of her room, worried etched on all of their faces.

She started to sob softly but they heard her. Their hearts broke hearing her cry. She has always been so strong but now she is breaking.

Donatello nodded at Theo to step aside. "Amata, let me in, please. Let me help you, baby," He said softly, his hand resting on the door.

She shook her head, even though they couldn't see her.

"Take your time baby, but don't do anything rash. Your brothers and I are here," He muttered.

Fin hesitated but unlocked her door and sat on her bed. She needed someone to hold her right now.

 Her brothers were about to enter the room but Donatello stopped them, knowing that all of them together would only overwhelm her.

Vesper patted his shoulder and nodded. He motioned for his brothers and Anatoly to follow him into the living room.

Donatello walked in slowly, not wanting to startle her. He found her sitting on her bed with her head bowed down.

He sat next to her and she leaned against his chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around her and lifted her onto his lap. Her legs were on his sides and her front to his.

He rubbed her back soothingly as she cried against his chest. 

"It's okay. I got you Bambina," He reassured.


She stopped crying after a while and sniffled from time to time.

"Please," He begged, "Tell me what happened."

Josephine looked at him and frowned sadly. "It's just mostly memories in my head of the past and he threatened to kill innocent people if I don't comply with him," She chocked out.

She continued, "He said that after my birthday, he would take me and if I try to retaliate, he would hurt people."

Donatello grabbed her chin and caressed her cheek. "I would never let him touch you again. We have a few months to plan, don't worry."

She gave a tight lip smile and placed her hand over his, tilting her head slightly on his palm.

"Thank you," she responded.

He kissed her head. "Anything for you, amore."

"Now, let's go to your brothers, they're really worried about you," He said and stood up, pulling her up gently.

She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly before letting him go and grabbing his hand.

They went to the living room, assuming that her brothers would be there.

Immediately, Josephine was tackled in a hug by Theodore and Anatoly. She stumbled back a bit but hugged them back, chuckling slightly.

She patted their backs comfortingly. Then, one by one, the rest of her brothers embraced her.

"Thank goodness he didn't kidnap you otherwise, we would bring hell to the world," Vesper hissed but there was a hint of fear in his tone.

Fin shook her head. "He didn't. However, he said that he would take me after I turn eighteen in four months," She told them.

Thorne cursed loudly and was about to punch the wall but Josephine stopped him.

"Don't," She warned.

"We will protect you, sorella and you are strong. You can get through anything," Harrison voiced, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She smiled at her brothers. She knew they would protect her but so would she for them. Fin would do anything to keep them and Donatello safe too, even if it meant giving up her life or freedom.

"We will get more security. We will hire bodyguards," Hayes said frantically as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Calm down Hayes," Josephine spoke and sighed. "He would get suspicious and might change his plans."

He nodded in understanding.

"I will be okay," She said confidently.

"Josephine?" Donatello started. She hummed, turning to him. "You said something about memories of your past in your bedroom. What did you mean by that?" He asked in front of everyone.

Her brothers except Anatoly looked confused. Anatoly, even though he didn't know the full story, knew some of it as he was the one who saved her.

Fin sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.

"Way to expose me, Telly," She thought sarcastically.

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