14. DON/ FIN

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Josephine has been on Donatello's mind since the moment that he met her. She is the most amazing person he has ever met and he can't wait to get to know her more.

He does not like the fact that he's not picking her up from her house, but she insisted that it is safe.

He tried to convince her to let him pick her up, but all she had to do was pout her lips and he did whatever she asked.

He wanted to do something unique and special for their first date. He just doesn't know what, so he asked Solero, which was probably a mistake. However, Solero gave him a brilliant idea.

He can't wait to see her. He thought that it was almost painful being away from her for those few days since they met.

He loves that she doesn't fear him, even though she knows what he does. Though, he is curious about her. Josephine seems to have a lot on her shoulders, even if she tries to hide it.

He vows to himself that he would do whatever it takes to take care of her.

*FIN'S Point of View*

It was four o'clock and Fin is currently in an apartment building she owns. She already told her brothers that she was staying with a friend for the night and surprisingly they did not question her.

She started to get ready for her date. She spent an hour bathing, straightening her hair, putting on the minimum amount of makeup which is just lip gloss and eyeliner and then got dressed. She wore the dress Mariam chose.

After she was finished, she got in the car she borrowed from one of her brothers and drove to the location Donatello sent her. It took her nearly an hour to get there because the place is very secluded.

She stopped when she was in front of massive gates. There were men with guns standing guard at the gate. One of them walked up to her side and knocked on the glass. She rolled down her window and saw the guard's eyes widened slightly. 

He gave her a nod and then nodded to a camera that was perched near the gate. He then took out his walkie talkie and spoke Italian into it. Josephine understood what he said.

"La Regina è arrivata, signore," he said in Italian. 

The Queen has arrived, sir.

Then the gates opened automatically for her and she continued to drive. She pulled up in front of a beautiful mansion. 

A man walked up to her car and she put down her glass.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. My name is Sven and I was told to escort you to Mr. Da' Vino. Kent will park your car in the garage if that is alright," He said pleasantly and pointed to the lanky boy standing behind him.

Fin smiled and got out of her car. "Thank you," she said to Kent and Sven.

Kent entered the car and drove away from them. Sven gestured for her to follow him into the mansion.

Fin was in awe of the place as she entered. It was beyond gorgeous. Sven saw her look at the interior and said, "Everything was designed by Mrs. Da' Vino, Sir's mother."

She smiled and they continued to walk. 

She gasped as she saw Donatello standing next to a table.

He looked devilishly handsome. He wore a dark green suit which complimented her dress beautifully.

He walked up to her and tugged her to his chest. He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"He smells so good,"  Fin thought as she sniffed him. He chuckled.

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