44. FIN

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*Unedited* Sort of longer than usual. Hope you enjoy!

Josephine sighed as she tucked a gun in the waistline of her pants. She also had knives hidden from plain sight as precautionary measures. Her brothers and Donatello sat on chairs and watched as she prepared to meet Anton.

It was the day after they received the message and Fin had trained yesterday in case of anything. Meaning in case Anton tried to kidnap her.

They glared at the wall and basically pouted because she refused to let them go with her. She didn't know what was going to happen and wasn't willing to risk even the possibility of them getting hurt. Never.

Fin huffed and shook her head at them. They were acting like children. Donatello had been more understanding as to what she was doing but Vesper somehow convinced him that it was a bad idea.

'The faith they have in me,' She thought sarcastically.

"I will be fine guys," She tried to reassure them. Keyword being tried because they were ignoring her words.

"It's time," She announced, as she watched the time. 

It was five o'clock and she knew that she has to meet Anton at six. The note he left said to meet him where the sun meets the sea and that also applied for the time. Sunset.

She really did not want to meet him but she had no other option.

Donatello stood up and embraced her tightly. "Come back to me, okay?" He sighed in defeat, knowing nothing can change her mind.

She nodded and pulled him down to her height, crashing her lips onto his. She savored the feeling of being in his arms. 

Josephine didn't know what will happen and there is a slight possibility that the meeting goes south.

"Okay... Break it up," Anatoly said, shoving them away from each other, effectively ruining the moment.

She scowled at him and he shrugged his shoulders in a 'what did I do?' way.

Fin rolled her eyes and smiled at them. "I'll be back soon, I promise," She said before hugging each one of them.

Thorne pecked her head and wished her luck.

She said a final goodbye and left the house, jumping into Anatoly's car which he is leading to her for the night. She knew it had a tracker in it but ignored the fact. They needed a little bit of reassurance. 

Josephine drove for almost fifty minutes before pulling up at an old, abandoned warehouse.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust and her hands shook, as she remembered what happened the last time she was in this place.

She was twelve and her mother was married to Alexander, Anatoly and Anton's father and Anton had just started to show his true colors. He was like glue, stuck to her and refused to leave her alone.

At first, she thought he was just protective over her as her stepbrother but then it got to the point where he was jealous of his own father and brother look at her. It was worst when the boys at her school talked to her.

She tried to avoid him but he was always around her and when he realized what she was doing, he took her to this warehouse, where there was a painting on the wall of the sun touching the ocean.

Anton tortured her because she refused him. Josephine wasn't even a teenager yet and he, an eighteen-year-old, was obsessed with her.

Thankfully, he didn't touch her inappropriately. However, she had mental scars for years and still had nightmares once in a while.

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