48. FIN

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I just posted chapter 8 of Stand by me, check it out. I hope you enjoy!


The couple arrived at Donatello's house soon after leaving the club. Josephine shrugged off her coat and placed it on the rack. She sighed as she sunk into the couch in the living room.

Donatello sat beside her and squeezed her knee. "What's wrong?" He asked.

She pouted, "I just remembered that have to go to school tomorrow."

He chuckled, which earned him a slap on the chest. "It's not funny!" Josephine protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

He cooed, "Awe bambina. Are you going to miss me?" He pulled her on his lap.

She denied, shaking her head.

"Look on the bright side," He started, "You're going to graduate soon."

"Oh right," She said.

"Wait, didn't you already graduate years ago?" He asked confused.

Fin nodded. "I did but when I first came here, Vesper didn't know that so he signed me up for school and I used that opportunity to have a regular high school experience."

He hummed in reply.

Josephine was going to graduate for the second time, a week before her birthday.

He smiled before lifting her into his arms and into his bedroom.

"Do you want to take a bath together or...?" He asked, smirking.

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. He set her down on the floor.

Fin took off her top and slid down her pants, she stood in front of him in her underwear.

Donatello looked at her tattoos. They were beautiful and made her ten times sexier. He loved them.

She gestured to his clothes. "Take them off."

He bent down and kissed her lips. "Okay, boss."

He lifted his shirt and took it off. Then, he took off his pants.

He walked up to her and unclipped her bra. He hooked his finger in the side of her black lacy panties and pulled them down slowly.

Fin did the same with his boxers and they stood naked in front of each other.

She stepped into the bathtub and he followed. Donatello slid in behind her and her back was pressed against his chest.

He washed her first and then she washed him before they went to bed.

She was tucked into his chest with his arms around her securely.

"I love you," He whispered in her ear, kissing her softly.

She snuggled deeper into him. "I love you too, Telly."

The next day, Josephine woke up from the blaring of her alarm. She groaned in annoyance as she stretched to turn it off. She pouted when she saw that Donatello wasn't in bed.

She got out of bed slowly and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, using the spare toothbrush which she claimed as hers.

 She sighed before walking downstairs.

Donatello was standing in front of the stove, flipping pancakes.

He turned to her when he heard her enter the kitchen. She pecked his chest and sat on the stool by the island.

"Morning, amata," He said in his deep, husky voice.

He turned off the stove when he was done and placed a large plate of pancakes in front of her. Then he gave her the syrup and a bowl of strawberries.

They finished the plate together.

"You have something..." Donatello whispered, leaning closer to her. His arms were on either side of her, caging her in between him and the island. He licked her lips, removing the syrup glistening before clashing their mouths together.

"All gone," He mumbled pulling away from her slightly.

Fin grasped the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I have to get ready," She said frowning sadly.

He groaned loudly, grabbing her waist and tugged her onto his lap.

She rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a few more minutes before she climbed off of him.

Fin walked upstairs and took out some of her clothes from his closet. She went into the bathroom and took a shower before quickly changing into the top and jeans.

As she left the bathroom, she saw Donatello sitting on the bed, already changed.

"That was quick," She mused as she put on her shoes.

He placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. "No, you just take forever in there," He joked.

Josephine scoffed, rolling her eyes.

They left the house and Donatello drove her to school.

"Have a good day," He teased. She glared at him before climbing out of the car. "I'll pick you up after school and we'll go on a date."

Her glaring ceased and a smile adorned her face. Fin nodded excitedly and waved him goodbye as she turned towards her school.

When she entered, the first thing she saw was her brother leaning against the lockers, smirking at her.

He winked jokily, walking up to his little sister.

"So..." He dragged.

Fin shoved him playfully and smacked his arm. "Nothing happened. Calm down," She said, slightly blushing.

"If you say so," He mused, grabbing her hand to lead her to the only class they have together, Spanish.

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