56. FIN

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It had been three days since Fin and Mariam were kidnapped by Anton and his accomplices. Every day, at the same time, a lanky German brought them food and water. She could tell by looking at the position the sunlight that manages to enter through a crack in the wall. Anton had yet to show his face again.

Josephine had a plan and she was going to execute it the next time the German came down. She was waiting almost impatiently and wanted to get out of the place as soon as possible or at least get Mariam out.

Unfortunately, it was as if all the higher powers were against her because instead of the German, Anton entered the room.

"доброе утро детка," He greeted with a smile.

Good morning, baby.

Fin heard a scoff behind her. "What am I? Chopped liver?" Mariam asked sarcastically. She was taking the kidnapping a lot better than the first day.

Anton sneered at the redhead even though she couldn't see him. "заткнись, шлюха," He growled.

Shut up, whore.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Josephine defended her friend.

He rolled his eyes. "I didn't come here to argue with you, детка. I told you that I would give you time and I did," He started. His eyes traveled over her body, causing her to shiver in disgust.

"It is time for you to take your place by my side... As my wife," He continued, tilting his head up as if he was proud.

Josephine's jaw slackened. "What the f*ck are you talking about Anton? I am not f*cking marrying you!" She snarled.

He chuckled. "It is so cute that you think you have a choice, моя любовь. I don't care what you say. I already have your father's blessing," He revealed and stared at her, waiting for a reaction. 

My love

She gaped in shock. "W-what do, what do you m-mean?" Fin stuttered. At that moment, she felt the most vulnerable. The father she secretly longed for, worked with the enemy. It was one of the worst feelings she has experienced. 

"Why did both of my parents have to be such assholes and cruel b*tches," She muttered under her breath. If he heard her, then he ignored it.

Anton smirked and made a gesture behind him. Out of the shadows, walked her traitorous and homophobic, asshole of a father.

Fin frowned. "How could you do this? Betray your own family!" She yelled and struggled against the binds. The rope was digging into the skin of her wrists even more than before but she didn't care. Her only concern was ripping her sperm donor apart.

She suddenly felt a sharp sting on her face as her head turned to the side. Anton brought his hand to the back of her head and gripped her hair tightly in his fist. Mariam was shouting but was quickly silenced when Arturo punched her in the face.

"You f*cker!" Fin yelled, hearing her best friend whimper in pain.

She groaned as Anton tightened his hold on her hair. She looked at him and saw his face set in a hard glare.

"Listen to me Josephine," He voiced sternly, "From now on, you are to speak to me and all of my men, especially your father, with the utmost respect. We are above you. Remember that, otherwise your little friend would pay the price. Do you understand me?"

She stiffly nodded but had to bit her lip to prevent any sounds of pain from escaping as Anton dug his nails into her jeans-covered thigh. She could feel herself bleeding from the wound.

"Answer me," He whispered in her ear through gritted teeth. He nipped her ear and dragged his lips across her bruised cheek. She flinched as she felt him peck the corner of her lips. 

He was very close to her and she was able to get what she needed without his noticing because he was distracted.

Fin turned her head away so he won't see the sneer on her face as she responded. "Yes."

He released her thigh and hair. He leaned forward to kiss her lips and just as he was about to, she brought her head back before striking forward, effectively hitting his nose.

She smiled in satisfaction when she heard a crack.

"You f*cking b*tch!" He yelled, holding his now bloody nose. "You will pay for this!"

Josephine rolled her eyes.

'I won't be here when you come back,' She thought and almost smiled.

Anton walked to the door, clutching his nose and her father silently followed him. They left but not before shooting her a glare.

'Oh, I'm so scared,' She thought sarcastically.

"Fin..." Mariam started, "Why did you do that? Now he is going to hurt us."

She smirked to herself and stood up, holding in her hand the knife she managed to steal from Anton.

She rubbed her wrists that were raw and in pain. Her ankles weren't as bad, thankfully.

She walked around to Mariam and smiled as she saw her eyes widened in disbelief.

"H-how?" She stuttered.

Josephine held up the knife to show her before cutting the rope. As soon as it was off, Mariam flung herself into Fin's arms.

Fin wrapped her arms around her best friend. "Let's save this for later, yes? We need to get out of here," She whispered.

They released each other. "Stay behind me, okay?" She said to Mariam, who nodded.

They started to walk to the door and when they were about five feet from it, the door swung open.

The girls froze and backed away a little.

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