52. FIN

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Hi! FIN is coming to an end soon and I honestly can't wait. There would probably be maybe ten or less chapters more and if you want I can do extra chapters. So, let me know what you guys think. After this book is finished, I would focus on my other book STAND BY ME and I am going to publish another book that I am working on.

*Very Unedited*

The siblings felt different emotions from each other after they heard the news about their father. The only person who didn't know what to feel was Josephine. She only had one very short conversation with her father and it ended in him being taken by her brothers.

The most prominent emotion was hatred.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as her brothers kept on glancing at each other.

They were still seated at the restaurant, processing the information.

"What are going to do?" Thorne asked. His face set in a frown as he glared at the table.

"We find him," Josephine answered determinedly. "He is weak and only things of his own interests. I think he would go to our enemies," She explained.

They nodded in agreement. That is exactly what he would do.

"So, what's the plan then?" Harrison asked as he crossed his arms.

Vesper rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "We wait," He answered after a few minutes.

He continued, "That way, he would think we don't care enough to look for him and he would let his guard down. We would be prepared and if he plans to attack with whoever he is hiding behind, we'd know because we have spies all over."

They agreed with their eldest brother.

After they finished eating, the siblings left the restaurant and went home. 

Fin laid down in her bed, holding one of her pillows against her chest. She couldn't sleep because she was thinking about what she learned today. Her father had escaped and plotting with an enemy.

She has never said it aloud, but somewhere in her heart had hoped she could have formed a bond with her father. At least she has her brothers and Donatello. They are the only people she actually needs in her life.

Josephine had a bad feeling about her birthday. She just knows that is the day their enemies would attack on that day and she hopes that they prepared enough.

Josephine, Donatello and her brothers thought about every possible scenario and formulated a plan to prevent it.

That doesn't help the tight feeling she had in her chest though.

Finally having enough of tossing and turning in her bed, unable to sleep, Fin got up and walked to the kitchen for a drink.

She opened the fridge and took out the milk carton. As she was about to pour it into a glass, she heard light footsteps behind her. She could tell it was a male from the heavy footsteps. Josephine placed the carton down and discreetly opened a drawer and pulled out a knife.

She heard the person walk closer and as soon as she got the chance, Fin pushed the intruder against the wall, holding the knife against his throat.

She glared at the strange man as she pressed the knife deeper into his throat but not cutting him, yet.

"Who are you?" She growled.

He stayed silent, so, she grabbed his hair with her free hand and slammed his head into the wall behind him.

The intruder groaned in pain. "У меня сообщение от антона," He said after the pain subsided.

I have a message from Anton

"говорить," She demanded.


"Он сказал быть готовым," He croaked out as she placed more pressure on his throat. "у вас нет побега."

He said to be ready.                    You have no escape.

Josephine reached under the counter beside them and pressed the secret button that alerts all of her brothers.

Almost immediately, they came running down with their guns in their hands.

They aimed their weapons at the intruder and Josephine released him. She backed up to her brothers and  Hayes gave her a gun.

"What is going on?" Vesper asked, glaring at the stranger. "Who are you?"

"Anton sent him," Fin answered.

Vesper motioned to Hayes and Harrison to take him to the basement.

The man struggled a little before slumping in their arms after Harrison knocked him out.

"What did he say?" Theo asked his little sister, who looked deep in thought.

She shook her head slightly and sighed. "He said that I basically have to be prepared and that I can't escape him," She answered, rubbing her face.

Thorne growled in anger and punched the wall. He shook his hand with a groan.

Despite the situation, Josephine giggled lightly at her brother. "Bet you regret that," She mused.

He glowered at her and she shrugged.

"He won't be able to get you, sorella," Vesper spoke, resting his hand on her shoulder. "We have maximum security here and we, neither Donatello, would let anything happen to you."

But she wasn't worried about herself. She was concerned about everyone else.

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