34. DON/ FIN

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Josephine left earlier and Donatello missed her. He wanted to spend the entire day with her but was disappointed when she had to leave.

He cursed himself. He was a sappy fool but only for her. She always managed to put a smile on his face.

Donatello knew who she was. Fin Rosio. He knew since he saw her tattoos on their first date. He respected her, even before actually meeting the famous Fin.

Many people look up to her for help and guidance and not once has she failed anyone of them. It made him love her more.

Yes, he said it. Donatello Da' Vino loves a girl. His family would get a kick out of it when they find out. His brother already cracked jokes about it, making Donatello want to bury him alive.

He hadn't met any of her family as yet and he was admittedly nervous. He was worried that when they find out they would tell her to stay away from him and she would listen. He would, however, do whatever it takes to get her back with him.

He was doing paperwork for his legitimate business, when his phone rang.

His Second-in-Command, Vesper Bianchi, was calling him. He sighed frustrated.

"What?" He growled after he answered the phone.

"Mr. Da' Vino, I need your help, please," Vesper said.

"You need help? Can it wait?" Donatello replied, already uninterested in the conversation.

"No, sir. Please hear me out," Vesper pleaded to his boss.

"Fine, you have five minutes before I hang up," He said blandly.

"Thank you," Vesper said breathing out a breath of relief. "My father did something f*cking stupid. He made a deal with the Russians and promised them my little sister," He relayed angrily.

He continued, "I'm not exactly sure what they talked about, that's all I know. I need you to call off whatever the deal is."

"And why would I do that? It's between your family and the Russians. It has nothing to do with me," Donatello stated.

"Please sir! They fear you and would listen to you! I just got back my sister, I can't lose her again. Please!" Vesper begged.

"Hear what," The Don started, feeling slightly sympathetic. Josephine turned him into mush. "You have been loyal since you joined, so... I will help you. However, it will be their final decision. I would just talk to them. I have a meeting with their leader in two hours at the main warehouse, bring your sister."

"Thank you, Mr. Da' Vino. Thank you so much," Vesper practically cried in gratitude. He would do anything for his siblings.

Donatello hung up and leaned back on his chair.

"I can't ever catch a break, can I?" He thought, running his hand through his hair.

He thought that at least his girlfriend would be proud of him.



*Fin's Point of view*

Josephine was having fun with Theodore. He took her to a museum first and they explored for two hours before they went to eat.

She was amazed by all of the artifacts that she saw and she learned a lot of new things about the past.

After they finished eating, Theo carried her to a street race, telling her to keep it a secret from their older brother. Vesper would have a heart attack.

Seeing the beautiful and fast vehicles, Fin started to miss her cars and motorcycle. She missed zooming through the abandoned streets, feeling the wind in her hair, adrenaline pumping in her veins. 

She left her vehicles in London, sadly, but made sure they would be cared for by someone she trusts.

Fin decided that she would call for them to be brought to New York soon.

She wanted to sign up for a race but Theo said it was 'dangerous'. She rolled her eyes as he said that.

Her whole life surrounded danger. One race is nothing, but she listened to her brother anyway. He cared about her and that made her extremely happy.

They arrived home a few hours later and found Vesper pacing across the room and the others watching him with worried eyes. They had a look of fear, too but it wasn't directed to him. It was something else that Josephine would soon find out.

When they saw her standing there, they all rushed to her at once and hugged her.

"Group hug!" Theo said loudly.

They chuckled but something was off with them.

"What's wrong?" Josephine asked, concerned.

Vesper sighed and motioned for her to sit down. She did, hesitantly. If she wasn't worried before, she definitely is now.

"I spoke to my... Boss," Vesper said. "He said he would help us."

Fin's heart started to beat a little faster. She knew that their 'boss' was Donatello. Also known as her boyfriend. She did not want him to know about what her father did. Her Telly would torture him for that and for hitting her.

He has only shown her his nice and loving side but she knew that he could be very deadly. 

"I can handle it, just tell me the name of the person he made the deal with," Fin said, hiding her nervousness.

"What could you possibly do?" Harrison asked, raising his eyebrow at her.

"I can do more than you think," She vaguely replied.

"No. We are going to meet my boss and someone else that can cancel the deal in an hour. So, go change," Vesper demanded, pointing upstairs.

She sighed, knowing there was nothing she can say to change their minds.

'Well, I guess it's about time my brothers meet my boyfriend,' She thought, grimacing.

She groaned, it would not be how she thought they would find out.

'It's going to turn out great,' she thought sarcastically.

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