55. FIN/ DON

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New chapter of Stand by me is out. Read it, please.❤


Anton strided closer to her and smirked valiantly. "Привет, любовь моя," He said with a wicked spark in his eyes.

Hello, my love

Josephine sneered at him and leaned forward in attempt to break free from her confines.

He chortled in amusement and bent down to her height. He placed both of his hands on her knees, caressing them.

"Don't touch me!" She gritted and tried to kick him. Unfortunately the rope on her ankles prevent her from doing so.

"You're adorable," He mused.

Fin glared at him. "Let us go!" She demanded, staring at him straight in his eyes.

"Why should I?" He smirked, "I love having company."

"Anton, you sick f*ck!" She growled.

He held up his hands mockingly. "I wouldn't talk to me that way if I were you. After all, I do have the life of your friend in my hands," He taunted, knowing that she won't risk Mariam.

She took a deep breath in to calm down. 

"Okay, what do you want?" She asked softly.

He smiled widely, showing his white teeth. It was unfair that a bad person like him can have such perfect teeth. "What I've always wanted, Josephine. I want you," He replied and placed a hand on her cheek. He ran his thumb against her bottom lip.

He immediately moved his thumb but kept his hand on her face when she attempted to bite it.

She jerked her head from his hand and turned her head away. He sighed and took a few steps backwards.

"I will give you time but know this... If you misbehave... Your friend will pay the price," He said blatantly, "Do you understand, любовь моя?"

My love

When Josephine didn't answer, he stalked up to her and gripped her jaw tightly. It was definitely going to bruise. "I said do you understand? Don't make me hurt her," He spoke gesturing to Mariam.

'He is f*cking bipolar,' She thought.

Fin whispered as she hung her head down in defeat, "Yes."

"Good," He said, satisfied with her compliance.

"And don't worry, детка. You won't be able to escape. I took extra precautions after I found out who you are and the amount of power you hold over people." He seemed pleased.


She clenched her jaw.

He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "I have to leave you for now but I'll be back later. Don't miss me too much."

He leaned down and kissed her head against her will, before leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Fin heard Mariam ask.

"I will be," She replied with a sigh.

Mariam bit her lip. "How are we going to get out of here, Fin?" She asked.

Josephine inhaled the stale air of the room. "I'm thinking. I can't break the chair... It's metal and don't have any of my knives with me to cut the rope. Do you have anything sharp?" She questioned.

"Uh... I don't think so," Mariam responded sadly but then she remembered something, "Wait! Yes, I do. I have a hairpin with a hidden knife."

"But, I can't reach it." She frowned.

Fin huffed. "Maybe, I can try to turned the chair around and I don't know... Somehow grab it," She pondered out loud.

Mariam groaned. "You can't. The chair is bolted to the ground."

"F*ck !" Josephine cursed.

'What are we going to do now?' She thought.


Don's P.o.V

Donatello paced the Bianchi's living room as he waited for one of his men to report back to him. The brothers and Anatoly were also very tensed and worried about their sister.

Just then, Harrison remembered Adam.

He stood up from where he sat. "We have to call Adam Mayor. He would help," He said.

"Why in the hell would the British Mafia help?" Vesper asked. His eyebrowed scrunched in confusion.

Harrison cleared his throat. "When Josephine and I went to meet some of her friends, I found out that it was him and Mariam, the red head," He explained.

"And you didn't think to tell us this sooner!" Donatello yelled.

"I'm sorry. I forget about him completely!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air and backed away from the brooding form of his boss/ sister's boyfriend.

Harrison reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Thorne asked.

He answered, "Calling Adam." He scrolled through his contacts until he found Adam.

Vesper coughed. "How the hell do you have his number, on your personal phone nonetheless?" He exclaimed.

"Uh... Reasons," Harrison stammered, "Don't look at me like that!"

They rolled their eyes. Harrison called Adam and explained the situation. Adam didn't think much before he said that he was coming to New York. He would bring as much men as he possibly could. After all, Josephine and Mariam were like family to him.

After a few minutes, they heard Donatello's phone ring. He answered the call instantly and put it on speaker when he saw it was one of the men he had sent to scope out the possible location of Josephine.

"I am sorry sir, but the warehouse was burned to the ground," The man said, his voice wavered slightly due to fear as he told his Boss that piece of information.

Donatello cursed loudly and threw his phone away angrily.

He sat down on the couch with his head in his hands. He groaned frustrated and pounded his fists against the seat.

"Hey, calm down. We are going to find her," Theodore said as he patted him on the back.

Donatello nodded, running his hand through his hair.

"Yes, we are. We are going to find her and kill that son of a b*tch. Once and for all," He declared with pure determination in his eyes.

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