39. FIN

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The couple woke up a few hours later, feeling rejuvenated.

They smiled at each other happily and kissed. Fin rested her head on Donatello's chest and sighed.

She felt him shift and she sat up. He pulled her onto his lap and was about to say something when his phone rang.

He groaned loudly, causing her to laugh. Donatello pouted and she pecked his lips.

He answered angrily, "What?!" 

Fin heard him say 'uh oh,' under his breath and watched in interest and confusion.

"Sorry madre," He said. Josephine smiled in amusement, causing him to glare playfully and squeeze her butt.

"How did you and padre find out," He asked confused. He sighed and rubbed a hand down his face.

"Bene, bene," He replied to whatever his mother said.

Fine, fine.

"Okay, ti voglio bene," He said and hung up.

I love you

Donatello sighed tiredly. She rubbed his shoulders and asked, "Are you okay?"

He nodded.

"How do you feel about meeting my parents today?" He asked as he caressed her waist.

She raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"My parents somehow found about you and my madre just called about meeting you," He explained.

"Um... Okay. If you want me to meet them, I will," She said.

"Grazie a dio!" He said relieved. "I did not want to face my mother's wrath."

Thank God

Josephine giggled and kissed his neck before getting out of his lap.

"What time?" She asked tilting her head.

"In three hours," He replied apologetically.

"Okay. What are we going to do until then?" Fin questioned.

He thought about it for a minute before telling her to follow him.

They walked through the house. He slid a door open and revealed a beautiful indoor garden.

Josephine watched in awe and gazed at the colorful flowers.

"Wait here," Donatello told her before leaving.

He returned a few minutes later with a blanket bundled up in his arms and two pillows.

"Come on," He instructed and handed her the pillows.

She took them and did as he said.

They walked to the middle of the garden where there was a large empty spot.

Donatello laid the blanket flat on the ground and held out his hand for the pillows. She gave it to him.

He sat on the blanket.

Then, he pulled her down to lay beside him.

She opened her mouth to speak up he motioned for her to look up and she did.

"Wow," She said as she saw the window on the ceiling. They could see the sky.

Even though it was beautiful, it was dangerous. Anyone could she inside and break the glass easily.

"We can see outside but no one can see inside," Donatello said upon seeing her worried look and knowing what she was thinking. "It is also bulletproof."

She sighed in relief and nodded.

He placed his hand behind her head.

"That cloud looks like a bunny," Josephine pointed, giggling.

"No, that looks more like a boot," Donatello said shaking his head.

She sighed exaggeratedly. "Whatever you say Telly, but I suggest you get your eyes checked," She said, turning her head to face him.

"Oh really?" He asked and she replied with a yes.

He hummed and placed his hands on her waist and started to tickle her.

"St-stop, T-Te-Telly," She struggled to say. Fin attempted to push his hands away from her but failed.

She laughed hard until she snorted. Donatello chuckled as he saw her covering her mouth in shock.

She glared at him mockingly and pouted.

"Aww, is my adorable angel at me?" He cooed and stopped tickling her.

She turned her head away from him to hide the smile that was threatening to break through.

He peppered kisses along her neck and she moaned as he sucked on a certain spot.

"Forgive me, bambina?" He asked whispering in her ear.


She nodded and showed her pearly teeth.

He pressed his lips against her head.

"I realize that I barely know anything about you besides your family," He told her.

"Well, ask away," She replied.

He hummed and tapped his chin with his finger.

"What is your favorite country to visit?" He asked.

"Italy," She said instantly. She loved to walk around the streets and watch the beautiful scenery.

"Same, mainly because I grew up in Italy," he answered his question.

"What is your favorite thing to do? And don't say fight or shoot guns or anything Mafia-related," It was Josephine's turn to ask a question.

"Spending time with my beautiful girlfriend," he said, kissing her head.

Fin blushed and smacked his chest lightly.

They laid in silence for a moment before Donatello spoke up.

"This is more of a personal question. You don't have to answer unless you want to," he said, caressing her cheek.

She gestured for him to continue.

"What do your tattoos mean?"

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