19. FIN

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Walking up to Derek's office, Fin knocked on the door, softly.

"Enter," She heard.

She walked in and leaned against the door frame. "Long time since we've seen each other," Fin said smiling. 

He was a good-looking man in his late twenties. Fin has known him for only a year but she trusts him. Well, to an extent. He can be manipulative at times but he is useful. He also has split personalities, a very dangerous thing.

Derek looked up from his work and sprung up from his seat. He immediately pulled her in a hug. "How have you been? Why don't you ever visit me?" He asked pouting.

She pinched his cheeks. "Aren't you cute," She cooed.

He swatted her hands away. "Okay, as much as I love seeing you, I know you're not here because of me." He said and pulled her to sit on the couch.

"You're right. I came to donate some money and I want to cover all of the expenses for someone here," She responded.

"Who?" He asked.

"A child named Sean. He's mute."

Josephine wrote two cheques and handed them to him. "Here. One is for the hospital and one is for the child," She said.

"Thank you. Do you want to... um, I don't know... go for dinner sometime?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

Fin hesitated, "Derek, I'm seeing somebody. I'm sorry."

Derek's eyes darkened in anger and he clenched his hands. "Who?" He gritted out.

 "Someone who makes me very happy," She replied and stood up to put some distance between them. He looked like he was about to lash out. She wanted to avoid that. One minute he is cheerful and the next he is out for blood.

"I can make you happy!" He shouted and got up. Derek grabbed her forearms and held her tightly.

"Watch your tone with me, Derek," She calmly said. Fin gripped his hands and pulled them away from her. "Do not forget who got you where you are."

She saw him gulp and back away. "I'm sorry, I lost control," He bowed his head in shame.

She patted his shoulder, "It's okay."

"I have to leave now, be safe," She said and left his office.

She sighed and left the hospital. Fin turned on her phone when she got into the car and her eyes widened as she saw how many calls and texts she got from her brothers.

'uh oh,' she thought. 'I'm going to be in so much trouble when I get home.'

Too late to do anything now, she shook her head. They don't even care about her, so why did they call her so many times. 

'God,' she groaned, 'Why are males so complicated?' She drove off.

She arrived at the house and parked the car in the garage. She walked in slowly.

She heard them shouting and took a deep breath before showing herself.

She cleared her throat and smiled sheepishly. They snapped their gaze to her and watched her angrily.

Vesper stomped up to her. " Where the f*ck were you? I told you to call or text me every thirty minutes!" He yelled.

Josephine shrugged. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from shouting back at him.

"Go to your f*cking room, we'll talk about this later," He rubbed his face and stormed up the stairs.

Her other brothers watched her in disappointment and left her there. Theo was still there and walked up to her. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

He hugged her. "We were so worried about you. We thought something happened," He whispered.

"I'm okay. I just got caught up in something. I'm sorry I worried you," Fin mumbled in his chest.

She felt safe in his embrace. He was the only one of her brothers that actually cared about her. How did she know that? Well, he was the only one who asked if she was okay and he looked worried, whereas the others were angry.

Fin wanted to move out when she turned eighteen but she might just stay for her favorite brother, Theodore.

She sighed and pulled away from him. "I'm going to my room," She said.

He nodded and kissed her hair. "You'll have to talk to Vesper later. He may not have shown it but he was the most worried about you."

She rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "See you later, Theo."

Now she has to wait for her eldest brother to call her into his office and yell at her some more.

'Oh the joy,' She thought and entered her room, blaming the door shut.

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