7. FIN

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After dinner, Josephine followed her eldest brother to his office.

She was impressed with the cleanliness of the room. It was also very organized, exactly how she like things to be.

She and Vesper are similar in that aspect.

She smiled.

He sat in his chair and told her to sit opposite him.

"We have rules here and it is expected that you follow them, okay?" His voice was stern and left no room for argument.


"I don't have to tell you to be respectful to us, you should already know that," He said but before he could continue, Fin said, "I will respect you and your brothers but I expect the same from all of you."

"Do not interrupt me," He calmly stated, "You will show us respect regardless of anything."

Josephine didn't want to argue on her first day with them so she merely nodded her head in agreement.

He seemed pleased when she didn't fight back.

"That was rule one. Rule two is no inappropriate language and you will dress modestly.

Rule three. You will tell us where you are going at all times. This is for your safety."

Fin furrowed her eyebrows, 'why do they need to know my whereabouts all of the time?' She wondered, 'This is going to make things a lot harder.'

"Theodore already told you about the basement, so I'll just remind you that it is off-limits for you and also you will only come into my office if you have permission to. Am I understood, Josephine?"

She hummed, 'They are really strict but unfortunately I would have no choice but to break his rules.'

He continued, "You will start school with Thorne in a week's time. I trust that you would have good grades because you were homeschooled."

That she was. Her mother didn't want to go through any trouble dealing with parents day and so forth, so she got a tutor. Fin didn't exactly know where her mother got the tutor from because she didn't have any money but she didn't ask.

Any money that Sarah, her mother had was from Josephine and Fin knew not to give her enough to buy drugs and alcohol, only enough to get groceries. She didn't need money for anything else because Fin paid the bills and only gives her extra money when she needs new clothes.

Vesper's voice broke her thoughts, "Hayes is taking you to buy school supplies in two days."

"Okay," She said.

"You are dismissed," He waved her off.

"Well, good night then," She muttered and left his office.

On the way to her room, she saw Thorne. His knuckles were bloody and his face screamed pure anger.

Before she could approach him, he saw her and slammed his bedroom door closed.

Fin sighed sadly and continued her way to her room.

Shutting the door, she leaned against it and slowly slid down to the floor. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, resting her head there.

Tears welled in her eyes. Everything was just too much.

Her mother's death,

Her international companies,

Her brothers.

Josephine just needs a few minutes to herself, then she'd be okay. She is always okay.

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