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Hey guys! It has been wonderful writing this book. I had no idea it would get this amount of reads. When I had the idea for this book, I wasn't going to publish it, but I said 'What the heck, let's give this a try!' And what do you know? It was good.

I am going to be posting extra chapters about 10 or so. However, it would be slow updating because I have very important exams soon. Wish me luck!

I am going to put this story as completed because it is technically completed.

I want to say thank you for reading. I love you guys!❤❤

Also, don't forget to follow me on Instagram (wp.sxmply_mx)


Three years later

Fin sat on the ground in the bathroom. Her knees were against her chest as she stared at the object next to her.

The past three years had been wonderful, to say the least, well, except when they had to terminate their enemies but other than that, it was fine. She was currently twenty-one years old and a year ago, she moved in with Donatello.

Her brothers nearly shot him for even suggesting the idea but eventually, they relented after seeing how in love she was with him. It was very amusing.

Their relationship had been going steady other than the occasional disagreement and bumps in the road. She had lost her virginity a few months after the situation with Anton and he made it very romantic and unforgettable.

Everything had been absolutely amazing, until a few weeks ago when she started to get morning sickness. Fin had shrugged it off as the regular flu but after it continued for over two weeks and the sudden craving she had for sour cream, she had an idea of what was going on with her.

Josephine managed to sneak off without Donatello knowing and went to the Pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. She was terrified.

Growing up, she never had a mother figure or any kind of parental figure really. She was scared she would fail at being a mother.

Another concern she had was Donatello. What would he say? Would he want to be a father?

She took the test as soon as she arrived back home, locking herself in the bathroom. She had waited five minutes before looking at the stick. It wasn't a surprise to her when it came back positive.

So, there she was, sitting on the floor, questioning everything and worrying.

She placed a hand on her stomach. A life was growing inside her. Her child.

Suddenly, all doubts cleared from her head. Josephine would do her best to give this baby a great life. She would be an amazing mother and do whatever she had to for her baby. With or without Donatello.

She broke out of her thoughts when she heard the bedroom door slam open. 

'Now is a good time as any to tell him he is going to be a father,' Fin thought and stood up from the ground.

Donatello called her name and she answered saying that she was coming. He sounded angry and it made her even more nervous. She walked slowly out of the bathroom, clutching the test behind her back.

She entered the room, hesitantly.

'Oh no. He looks furious,' She thought. 'Did he find out already?"

Her heartbeat accelerated as she walked closer to her boyfriend.

"H-Hi," She said softly.

"Josephine," He said gruffly as he glared down at her. "Why the f*ck did you run away from your bodyguards? Do you know what could have happened to you?" He yelled.

Tears filled her eyes as he continued to rant angrily and in frustration. She blamed it on hormones. An involuntary whimper escaped her lips, stopping Donatello mid-sentence.

"Oh no, no. vita mia, don't cry. Mi dispiace," He panicked as he brought her into his arms.

My life... I am sorry

She sniffled and pouted after he pulled away. He wiped her tears from her face and held it in his palms.

"What's wrong, bambina?" He asked, concern evident in his expression.

She bit her lip and took a deep breath in. "Don't hate me," She mumbled.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I would never. Please talk to me, amore," He begged.

Fin backed away a little and held up the pregnancy test. She watched as his expression turned blank. Her heart sunk as she thought he didn't want their baby.

She stepped back and was about to leave the room when he tugged her into his chest. His arms wrapped around her.

"We're having a baby?" He asked, tears in his eyes as he smiled.

She nodded. He laughed heartily and picked her up, spinning her around.

"I love you," He chocked, cupping her cheek before kissing her. "You don't know how happy you've made me since we met, Josephine. You've brought out emotions from me that I didn't even know I had and you are so amazing. I love you so much," He pecked her lips before grabbing her hand.

He bent down on one knee and reached into his pocket, pulling out a velvet box. She gasped as she saw the beautiful ring. It was simple but that is exactly what she liked.

"I was going to ask you in a restaurant but I think now is the best time," He said grinning widely.

"Josephine Arcane, will you marry me?" He asked. 

She nodded frantically and pounced on him. They fell to the floor laughing happily. He slipped the ring onto her finger.

She smashed her lips against his. "I love you."

The End

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