30. FIN

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Josephine woke up the next morning, wrapped tightly, in Donatello's arms. She snuggled deeper into him and sighed contently.

She felt him kiss her head and stroke her hair. 

"Morning, la mia vita," he whispered.

She groaned, not wanting to actually get up and buried her face in his neck.

He chuckled and rolled on top of her. He propped his elbows next to her head and leaned down to kiss her, almost like a pushup.

She instantly responded. He pulled away, resting his forehead on hers. "It's time to wake up, miele." He said before sitting up on the bed.


She pouted but got up nonetheless. "Go brush your teeth and bathe, I'll leave clothes for you on the bed," He instructed.

She nodded and walked to the bathroom. Fin hissed in slight pain when he spanked her butt. She glared at him, causing him to smirk in amusement. 

After she was finished getting ready, she walked downstairs and she saw him in the kitchen. His shirtless back face her and she licked her lips.

His hair was wet from a shower that he took from another room and dripped down his neck. She watched as a drop slid down his back.

Josephine shook her head clear of her perverted thoughts. A deep laugh caught her attention.

'Busted,' She thought, smiling at him sheepishly.

He motioned for her to come to him with her finger and she complied. 

"Do you like what you see, bambina?" He asked teasingly.

Fin rolled her eyes and turned to walk out, but before she could, Donatello grabbed the back of her neck and brought their lips together. He gave her a punishing kiss.

"Don't you ever roll your eyes at me. Okay?" He growled dominantly, snaking his arm around her waist so they would be chest to chest.

She nodded and pecked his cheek, before sashaying out of the room. 

Donatello knew she was turned on, he was too. She had a very strong effect on him.

He dished out a large plate of food for them to share and looked for her. He found her in the living room and he sat next to her.

He tugged her onto his lap and scooped up some mashed potatoes, holding it to her mouth.

She opened her mouth, letting him feed her. She took the spoon from his hand and fed him the next bite.

They went back and forth until the plate was empty.

He carried the plate back to the kitchen and washed it quickly before going back to her.

"We need to talk more about last night," Donatello said, twirling a piece of her hair.

"Okay," Fin replied and sighed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"How often do you do something like that?" He asked.

She responded as she leaned on him, "Well, I mostly only help if I have some sort of trust towards them and they requested my assistance," She paused, "But I also lend a hand when I see a Mafia or gang, that doesn't do the things that I am against, really struggling."

He nodded and asked, "Well, can you please tell me when you're going to something like that again?"

"Only if you also tell me if you're doing anything dangerous," She said.

"Okay," He agreed, holding onto her tighter.

She smiled and kissed him.

The sound of her phone ringing, caused both of them to pull away and groan.

Josephine laughed as she saw Donatello pouting. He glared playfully at her.

She answered her phone. "Hello?" She answered.

"You need to come home now," Vesper demanded.

"Right now? Why?" She asked, confused.

He responded, "I will explain when you get here," He hung up.

She scowled at her phone and looked at Donatello sadly.

"I won't be able to spend the day with you. My brother just call and said he needs me at home, now," She said.

He huffed. "Okay, but first I need to give you something. Stay here," He instructed.

He left for a few minutes and then returned with one of his hands behind his back. She tried to peak but he hid it from her.

"Not yet," He said, amused at her eagerness.

He sat next to her on the couch and place the unknown object behind him, away from her view.

Donatello held her face in the palm of his hands and gently brought their lips together. They fought for dominance with their tongue and he won.

They pulled apart.

"Josephine," He started, "You have made me the happiest man on the planet since the day that we met. You somehow controlled my anger issues and you make me a sappy fool," She laughed.

He continued, "You are so kind and a badass. F*ck, you make me want to kill every man or woman that looks at you for too long. I need you in my life. I want you in my life, always and for eternity."

He took the object from behind him and held it in his hands. It was a beautiful box with the Italian Mafia's insignia.

He handed it to her and motioned for her to open it. She did and saw a chain with a ring on it. His ring.

He took it out and told her to turn around. Donatello placed it around her neck and clasped it together.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Fin threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. "Yes, yes," She said happily.

She kissed him passionately.

"Anyone seeing this ring around your neck will know that you are protected by the Italian Don himself. It has been passed through generations, from the Don to his beloved, then to their firstborn child, after they turn twenty-one," He explained.

She thanked him and they locked lips again.

"Don't take it off, okay?" He said.

"I won't," She replied. "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," He said, charmingly smiling at her.

Fin rolled her eyes and stood up. "I have to leave you now," She pouted.

He pinched her cheeks, lovingly. "We will see each other soon, amore. I will make sure of it."

They hugged and kissed one last time before she left his house. He had told his driver to drop her home since she doesn't have her car.

She entered and they drove away from his mansion.

'Now to see what my brothers want,' She thought.

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